Chapter 4

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"How's this going to go?" Max asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"We need to get in touch with the other packs too." I tell him.

"Also, I was wondering about this. Is it just the United States getting this, or is it worldwide?" I'm afraid of the answer, if it's that big we might have to call in for the king, and I can't handle that.

"I don't know, I don't talked to many other packs from overseas." He had a shadowed look. "Can we call one of your allies? From the UK?" I nod and take my phone out of my pocket and dial for pack service. Quickly putting it on speaker I set it down on the desk.

"Hello, this is Leroy. How may I help you?" A man states through the phone with a deep voice.

"Pack service, overseas numbers only." Max states. I look over at Lucas and Jackson, who look bored out of their minds, yet still had watchful eyes.

"What is your pack name, and where are you calling from?" The man questions.

"Silver Moon and Blue Mountain, calling from Silver Moon Pack currently from Sirencester, Illinois" Max said in a business voice that held none of the laughing guy I saw before, this part of him is an alpha, and you know it.

"To only the UK?"

"Yes" I looked around the room. I need a business voice.

"Who would you like to call?"

"Lost Shadow" I addressed into the phone, Max looked surprised. Lost Shadow pack is exactly that, no-one has seen or heard from them, but they seem to know almost everything. A few years back my father went over there because of an urgent call from their territory, he was going to take me with saying,

"Someday Anastasia you will be a great Alpha, but first you need to learn what it's like to be an alpha, what it is to be an alpha, and this will be the first trial run. So, you are going to come with me to Lost Shadow, they will help us with anything we need. Call them first in an emergency. They are good people even if they seem a bit shy or rude at first." He hugged me and told me to pack we will be there in 4 days time. I never got to go to Lost Shadow, because 3 days later my hero, father, and Alpha had died from the very thing we need help with now.

I came back to reality only to hear a loud ringing noise. 

"Ana, they aren't going to help us with anything, heck I don't even think they will pick up." Max countered. He looked at me like I was stupid.

"You never know they could." I shrugged. I really hoped what my dad had said was true...

"Blake Greene, such a long time bud," A deep voice said through the phone. Max's eyes bugged out. I sat there frozen, I haven't heard his name in so long. I couldn't speak, by the looks of it no one could, but Riley sat in the back with a solemn look on his face.

"Blake? You there?" The voice questioned.

"No," I said. Tears welling up in my eyes. God, I cry a lot. "He's dead." I finally admit.

"How?" The voice growled out.

"Rogues." Just one word that broke me. I couldn't breathe, I felt powerless. Get it together! I took a deep breath. I'm good now.

"I knew they would come for him, I had to get him out." The voice sounded hysterical.

"They got him, oh god...What about Elena? Is she okay? How did I not know about this? What If they got Anastasia too." I heard footsteps repeating from the other side of the phone. I think he's pacing.

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