Chapter 1

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Hello whoever hath decided to click on this awesome book. Just so y'all know, I absolutely suck at writing, and have horrible grammar, punctuation, and sometimes spelling skills. So, if you see anything and you just want to vent out the problems you have with my grammar and/or suggestions for my writing or even some characters you think would go absolutely great. I may not be the best writer in the world, but no need to scream it-no capitalize and put explanation marks abundantly. I get it, you want the books you read to be exceptionally perfect, as do I, but I am not an author so don't expect much outta me. Any-who, go on to chapter one!!!



Chapter 1

"Anastasia, C'mon get up!" Amerella yelled, walking into my room, and opening the curtains especially wide.

"5 more minutes" I groaned.

"You said that yesterday, and guess what happened? Anastasia, care to remind me? I'm so forgetful." She said her voice dripping with sarcasm, for a 58 year old woman she sure acts like a bitch.

"I was late." I said, my voice groggy. I reluctantly got up from my lovely bed and winced at the light, hissing.

"You're not a vampire Anastasia, don't try and act like it." She snapped. I looked at her surprised she had said such a thing. Holding my hands in mock surrender I chuckled.

"Whoa there, doggy! No need to snap at thee awesomeness." I bowed.

"Wha- You know what I'm not going to ask. Just get ready, you're going to be late for school." She said shaking her head angrily.

"Chill, I'm on it, could you get outta the room please?" I shooed her out of the room, but I could still hear her quite murmur,

"It's not like I haven't seen it all before"

"Rella! That's disgusting!" I yelled just as she turned from the long hallway to the downstairs, she laughed loudly knowing I had heard what she had said.

I ended up picking a blank maroon t-shirt and some dark skinny jeans of off my floor and changed into them quickly. I went downstairs looking for Amerella, Instead I found my little 5 year old sisters in the play-room with my fathers old beta, Riley.

"Hey Riles, How's it going?" I questioned him, trying not to laugh as he had a tutu on and my sisters were serving him fake tea.

"As good as I can be these days, you?" He raised an eyebrow. I knew what he was asking, how I was with the death of my mom and dad. For the past 5 months, I thought it would never get better, they both died on separate dates my father 8 months ago, my mother 5 months ago.

"Good, I guess" I shrugged. Riley got up and patted me on the back as he stretched from sitting at that tiny table all day.

"That's better, say hi to Conner for me." He goes back to playing with my sisters.

"Bye Jacqui, Jaque, and pretty princess Riley." I laughed when he growled at me, and left the room heading for the kitchen. Amerella was bustling around the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Wow, you sure cook fast, you were just in my room like how long ago." I said amazed, at how she got down here at such a fast pace.

"I already had everything set out for me. Are you going to have breakfast today? Or are you going to ditch us again?" She questioned looking worried.

"Umm...Yeah, I guess I will." I said, even though I wasn't hungry, and wasn't in the mood for food, but I felt bad that she made all of this for me.

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