Chapter 6

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-Chapter 6-

"C'mon Max! Not even a little smack around the face!" I whine. Hanging on his arm.

"No." He said angry, trying to shrug me off.I look back at the rogues. Examining each and every one of them to make sure nothing is bulging in the wrong places indicating guns or weapons, the one man in the back had a bulge just in his pants. He puts his hands over his crotch and smiles sheepishly.

"Dungeons. Make sure to detect if any metal or any kind of weapon is on them." I state, trying to get a better look at the other rogues. 

"They killed two of my men both of which had mates and children. Oh my god, the mates they had to of felt it...I have to go, you can visit her, okay? No prison breaks, just because you're my new friend doesn't mean I won't follow protocol." I leave to go to the houses of the men who were killed.

Jacob Lagers house first, then Silas Barossa's. I go back to the house and head towards the Houses of the pack members. I run to the east side of the pack land and hurry frantically looking for 350 Greene Lane with a flashlight. I finally find it and look at the door to the house and try to walk in only to find it locked. I hurriedly kick out my foot quickly bringing the door down. In the living room I hear a chair fall, and look around only to see that Jakobe's mate is trying to hang herself. I listen for any indication of their children, and they're playing in the other room. I run up to her and hold her so she can breathe. I take the noose from her neck and tear it down from the hook on the ceiling, bringing the floor of the ceiling down onto my head.

How many pack doctors on duty? I mind link most of the members of my pack. 4 alpha a fragile voice says. Thank you, somebody get two of them to get to Silas Barossa's house immediately to check on his mate and children. Also, send two to Jakobe Lager's house immediately. Hurry please!  This is the worst part about being Alpha, if someone dies, even on accident I have to tell the news, and I hate bad news. The mates immediately feel the connection lost and go to extreme measures, well they don't, but their wolf does. If they don't want to die they don't have a choice they're not in the right mind to make decisions. I always give them a choice later on, when they're in the right mind, and can say it is their own decision. Either you can kill yourself or take care of your loved one. Almost all of them pick the first one.

"Kate, you will stay here and will not move until a doctor has strapped you onto a gurney." I say with power in my force that she has to obey. I ran into the woods and shifted into my wolf where no one could see me and ran, my paws digging into the ground leaving deep marks behind me, to the opposite side of the land to the west side of the land, getting there within seconds.

I run behind a tree and pull out a secret hatch for clothing storage and hurriedly put on shirt and shorts. Now I'm commando, great. I run around looking for Silas's house, my flashlight left back at Jakobes house. I finally found the fairly small house and look around, making sure not to make any noise. I try to open the door and what do I find it's locked. I break down yet another door. Seriously? What is up with this? We are werewolves we can break down doors, it's not rocket science.

I look around the rooms the basement and then head up from there to the bedrooms. I look into the children's rooms first, then I start heading towards the master bedroom. That's when I heard the deafening sound.

1 gun-2 gun shots. I quickly burst through the door and see Maria Barossa holding a gun to her daughter's head, who has tears running down her face. I look around the room and then I see them. She had killed her babies...they didn't even get to live. I suddenly became very angry.

"Put down the fucking gun." I purposefully put every ounce of my alpha voice into it. It shook the whole room the sound resonating throughout the house. I even wanted to submit, to my own voice. That scares the hell out of me. Maria put down the gun her hands shaking. Her daughter ran and hid behind me crying Mama. Maria had tears in her eyes, her eyes no longer a vibrant green color, but a dark black. She has gone to far I can't save her. I can only pacify her or distract her until the doctors get here.

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