Chapter 7

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"I've been 'dead' for eight months, and I get a sarcastic remark." He said his Hazel eyes shining with happiness, his Dark brown hair much longer than it was the last time I saw him, he runs his hand over the bit of stubble on his chin.

"That's only because I'm dreaming again." I stare at him for the longest time just examining every sign of aging and all of the differences. This happens every month or two I pass out and suddenly he's here. I guess I can see part of the dead, but every time I wake up drenched in sweat and basically having a mini-seizure. My father frowns and looks at me in sympathy, understanding why i'm so detached.

"Ana, it may be a dream, but I swear I'm alive. I have to be so that I can get back to your mother." He says determined. I close my eyes getting ready for the same sentence every time I see him.

"Dad, she's dead...I told you this last month, remember? You're dead, mom felt the pain and just couldn't take it anymore." I tell him, suddenly feeling his pain; the heartbreak, and the guilt. His eyes well up with tears. It's not real, Ana. He opens his arms for me and I gladly go into them. I nuzzle my head into his neck taking in the smell of pines and honey. Tears well up in my eyes once again.

"I miss you, Dad. I can't do all of this on my own. I'm constantly wearing a façade, acting like I'm strong I need my father to guide me." By now my hold on my mask has broken and I'm crying hysterically into my father's shirt.

"I know Ana, I know. I miss you too. You are doing great. Just a little while, I'll be back soon for you and the girls." He tries calming me down by rubbing his hand up and down my back comfortingly. I ignore the last part because I know he always says the same things.

"Why can I only see you? Why can't I see mom too? Actually, how can I even see you? Can I talk to the dead? What is wrong with me?" I've never asked that question, never needed to know, but I'm beyond confused.

"I already told you I'm alive, but I don't know why your mother felt the pain. I'm alive, I think." I pull away from him angrily.

"Dad, you are dead. DEAD! Don't you get it?" I scream at him. I think I'm going insane.

"I'm alive, even ask those rogues you captured." He stated matter of factly. I looked at him as though he had two heads and was walking around on wooden stilts in a house abandoned because of termites.

"Fine, your 'alive' Okay?" I say sarcastically putting on a fake smile once again.

"You will find him soon, Anastasia." My father says and checks his watch. "I have got to go Anastasia, I love you."

"I love you too, dad." I say. I wake up only to feel arms around me. I look up and see Lucas, who is staring at me in absoulute horror.

"How? Y-y-ou had no pulse." Lucas is shaking his head violently. I put my head on his arm and tell him to stop. He looks at me afraid. "What are you?"

"I'm a werewolf if that's what you're worried about. I'm just different than most." I shrug him off and move to get up, only to feel a throbbing pain in my head and immediately fall back down into his arms.

"Whoa, slow down bud. You just came back from the dead, literally." He laughs dryly and helps me up.

"Thanks, for helping me with that. I haven't told many people about me sometimes dying, it's not something many people think is normal." That just sounds awkward. I actually feel vulnerable, if he tells anybody about this encounter I'm done for...

"Oh really? I thought that was an everyday thing, I die every 3 days. All day, every day." He laughs and looks at me like I was insane.

"Stop, I need to tell you something. In secret. Follow me." I motion for him to follow me to my office, my office is soundproof so nobody can listen in not even the strongest of werewolves. 

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