A / N

551 9 15

Firstly I wanna start by saying thank you for 40 K reads

I never imagined that this many people would read my stories, it means a lot to me

Thank you all so much for the funny comment the likes and the reads


Now about my absence, there are few reasons for it

I had this huge exam that I've been getting ready for the past year and a half and it was on June 26-27 and so the last few months were me being busy with this exam that is gonna determine the rest of my life and so it took a lot of my time and so that is one of the reasons why I haven't been too frequent on the app


Other than that I had major writers block. Basically I start writing this new chapter with many ideas and half way done I'll have no idea what to write next for some time and I end up having 6 half way done stories that I'm unable to finish


Lastly I wanted to start writing as soon as the exam was over. After the exam we had graduation and I missed my graduation. I twisted my ankle badly which led me to have a cast on my leg and that was a definite mood dropper. Last week was bad and I newly started to feel less sad and that's the reason for the 2 week delay. Right now there isn't gonna be much to do so I'm gonna try to update as much as possible


Before ending the a/n I wanna add two things. Firstly thank you once again for 40k reads it personally means a lot to me.


Secondly here's the list of requests ( if I'm missing one or two don't worry their drafts already exist I just forgot to put them here ):

- Wandanat
- Thor x Bucky
- Chris H. x Sebastian S.
- ValCarol
- Steve x Tony x Bucky x Stephan
- The second part of Stony I can't do it without you
- Thorki
- Winteriron
- Stony Disney Wedding
- Post Civil War Stony Angst
- Spideypool
- Mj x Shuri ( power couple )
- WinterFrost ( Bucky x Loki ) Smut - my first smut actually )
- I might be wrong but I think there also was a Tom x RDJ one but I'm not sure I need to check

And I thinks that's that. I'll be sure to update soon and if I missed ur request I'm sorry like I said I probably have a draft.

As always requests are open, request freely.

Again sorry for all the delays.

Have a good day or night. Thank you for everything.


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