Some Alternative Possibilities for Endgame

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The Stony part is coming up, also Winterfalcon as well. This is a little chapter I'm squishing in, cause school has started and this may be it for few weeks or maybe not.


Ending 1: After Tony's funeral, Thor went to New Asgard, for one last time to pack and say goodbye to his fellow friends. He went inside the house, grabbed a large bag and went to his door to only stop, noticing it was cracked open a little bit. He that n quietly entered the room and when he got to the middle of it, he heard the door creak and he turned around immediately, to only stood there in shock, dropping his bag and looking like he seen a ghost. And actually for a moment he thought so. Loki was in front of the now closed door, a smirk on his face and little droplets of tear in his eyes. His eyes gleamed with happiness, hope and regret. He knew that it was him, but he had to make sure. He went to his nightstand and grabbed the same silver ornament he had thrown at him five years ago, and again as five years ago, he catches it and again looks at him. " So, can I get that hug now ? ".

Ending 2: It had been 3 months since the whole Endgame war and Time Heist. At the Barton house hold, things were still not as happy as it used to be. After loosing Natasha, Clint was a mess. He was grateful for his wife and kids who were constantly trying to cheer him up, but there was no budge. It was a calm afternoon, Laura was taking both of her big kids to a carnival in a town nearby, while Clint stayed at home with Nathaniel to both look after him and to clear his mind. He still was feeling guilty about the whole stone thing. He also got mad at Rocket for not telling him that one of them needed to fricking sie for the god damn stone. It was 8.00 pm. Nathaniel was already in bed, the kids and Laura was not coming back for another hour and it was already dark outside. He sat on the couch, before deciding to get a bottle of ginger ale. Because of the kids he was trying to be carful about drinks in the house. Anyways, when he started to walk to the kitchen he heard something hit his front door. This made him tense up. He grabbed a knife from the kitchen and slowly approached to the front door. He knew it wasn't his wife or kids, then who was it ? He slowly grabbed the handle and than hurriedly open the door and than dropped his knife. He would have thought that he was drunk, but he hasn't been  drinking for at least 2 and a half years. He wasn't tired, he wasn't starving nor he was dehydrated. He wasn't dreaming and he was pretty sure that what was in front of him was not one of the creatures that Carol used to mention. So he was actually living this moment. Actually seeing his nearly life long partner, who was actually dead until this very moment. She was still in her catsuit, he had many cuts and bruises, she was holding her side with one hand, which was bleeding and with the other hand, she was holding the door frame, she had both pain and comfort in her eyes. When Clint's tiny shock faze ended, she immediately took the nearly collapsed red head in his arms and carried her inside, closing the door shut with his feet. He laid her on the couch and than went to a near cabinet to fetch a first aid kit and some scissors. He than went back to the couch to start treat her wounds. While she was laying there, her eyes closed, she looked peaceful. He was done in 20 minutes or so and he also got a text from Laura, saying that they were gonna be half an hour late, due to a mix up. Clint knew that it was the Natasha that he was sent to kill all those years ago, the same Natasha who has been there for him at all costs, the same Natasha that made him feel safe at the worst times and the same Natasha who had given her life up for him. After this, he was never to let her go. He knew that Laure didn't mind him laying down with an old friend, that's why when she came back, she just got a blanket to lay over the duo from a cabinet while the spies slept peacefully after long lost years.

Ending 3: After the whole snap thing ended, Wanda made a promise to Clint that she'll always call him and visit him monthly. She was still sad about loosing her significant other, after her brothers death, Vision and of course rest of the team was there for her. She just wished that she could have him back. She had been living like a zombie for sometime now. Not having a purpose in life anymore, having nobody to love. She lost a close friend, Natasha, her brother, Pietro, and her lover Vision. Ah, how much she misses him popping out from everywhere and than apologizing to anything. She sighed, missing the weird cool feeling but warm skin. His stone, his smile, his face, his actions, only him. She still missed him. About 2 weeks later Clint invited her to brunch, which she excepted. At the brunch she had a good time. Later that day, around 3.00 pm, she returned back home. Everything was normal at first, but when she started walking further into the house, she could smell spices and kitchen utensils tinkering. This made her tense up, while she was gone someone must have broken in while she was away. She slowly made herself down the hallway to her kitchen, quietly reached the door knob and slammed the door open. She was speechless at the sight, which resolved her, sinking down to her knees. She must have lost her mind, she was dreaming, she was delusional, this can't be real. Can it be ? Nononono, she must be having a fever or something, or at least she thought after hearing, " Hello Wanda ", in a British accent. Tears started to slip away from her. She was trembling. She was scared, sad, happy and confused. Than he floated towards her, got onto his knees and hugged her. Than for a long time, Wanda cried in his chest. Vision told him that he was re-made by king T'challa, as a thank you, for her actions. They said that just like the time stone, the mind stone also stayed in this time which was used to re-create him. That night after having the food Vision made with paprika,   the two snuggled against each other in the bad, and after a long time, Wanda was finally in peace.

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