A/N, unfortunately, again

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I'm tired of publishing these authors notes, which is something I never liked, but I guess ones gotta do what they gotta do.

I've been having a lot of work lately, even though my major is what I wanted it to be, it's still really hard work cause for our first year everything is made by hands.

But today I'll publish to stories ( and yes actually publish them ).

I have this weird thing going on with the stories as well. I have about 11 stories that are halfway done, but the thing is I get stuck at the middle and don't know why. I have the plot in my head, a chunk of the story is already written, so what's stopping me, I seriously don't know.

I'm generally sorry about the, shit, publishing pattern, it was never my intention to have it like this.

And so many of you guys who read my stories are so sweet and understanding, I'm glad.

The stories I have are really long overdue, I hope you'll like them, right now I'm doing some grammar or wrong word fixing ( and even with that I have a chance to still have mistakes, but we are human after all ) and they should be published in the next- hmm- 7 hours or so.

I hope you have a good day/ night till than and I'll write to y'all later.

Baiiiii !!!

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