( Stony ): Well You Stoled My Heart

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It was 3 days before Valentine's Day and there was a rush inside the Avengers Tower. Mostly because everybody was trying to get their valentine something special.

For example; Natasha was making Clint a handmade bow, decorated with their memories, while Clint was designing a dress specially for his loved one, little did the others know that Clint was an excellent artist.

Bruce was making a small masterpiece by using some chemical mixes for Darcy.

And Thor was searching all of the jewelry stores that sold pendants. He was thinking of buying his beloved non blood related valentine-brother a pendant with a green gem in the middle. But non of the jewels were as beautiful as his beloveds eyes were.

While on the other hand Loki was creating mini figures of the people Thor knew and love by using his Jotun side and manipulating ice.

And then there was Tony and Steve. The two star-struck lovers which were holding an unbreakable bond. Steve has been planning a special day for only two of them for nearly 3 weeks. The plan was simple yet impressive and romantic also. He even called Pepper everyday to check if Tony's full day was clear and was enjoyable with his boyfriend. So here were the things that Steve had planned for his lover.

8.30: A sweet wake up call and breakfast in the bed.
Later on snuggling with your loved one.
Going to the Captain America Museum which Tony was whining about.
Strolling at the streets of NYC.
Eating lunch at the diner which they had their first date.
Strolling at the Central Park.
Enjoying the sunset.
Eating a romantic dinner at a five star restaurant which Steve will pay.
Buying everything needed for a perfect movie night.
Watching Tony's favorite movie .
And later on a little " Stony alone " time.

It was a perfect day planned for your 1,5 year long boyfriend. And he had also planned a little surprise before their alone time. It was perfect and nobody shall ruin it or they would see Captain America's bad side. Steve was perfecting everything over and over again for his lover. And of course Tony wasn't sitting around either. He had a day filled with presents that was only for his lover. Which he had worked on for so long. And now not only them but the whole team was waiting for the day of the lovers.

TIME SKIP ( cause I'm lazy af )

Now it was the morning of the lovers day. Everybody was thrilled had their loved ones on this blessed day.

Nat recently was making out on the couch with Clint. After spending their morning in the kitchen making heart shaped eggs, bacon and pancakes they now were enjoying their selfs which they had zero care about what everybody else thought.

Bruce have already left the tower to have a romantic breakfast with his girlfriend.

While on the other hand Thor and Loki were snuggling together and was eating the breakfast that, that Natasha and Clint have made.

Of course Steve was a man who likes to do what the orders said and todays orders were the lost he had. It was 8.25 and he was already on his way to Tony and his room with a tray filled with the breakfast that the two assassins had made. Steve also made a mental note to his self to thank the two later on. He opened the door, put the breakfast that he recently hold on the night stand and started to give butterfly kisses to his boyfriend. Of course a minute later Tony was awake and was looking at his boyfriend with loving eyes. " Morning sunshine " said Steve with happiness. " Morning handsome " said Tony with a hoarse voice, being still sleepy and all. " I got you breakfast in the bed. " said Steve handing Tony the tray filled with breakfast goods. Tony stared at the breakfast and said " Awwww babe thanks, I got you something too." And than flicked his fingers and hundreds of blu lights started to appear on the room, and soon they formed a heart and than it formed " I ❤️ U ." Steve was speechless and he was blushing. " T- Tony t-that was amazing, t-thanks " he finally managed to stutter it out. Tony just looked at him and smiled thinking how lucky he was to have Steve. Steve than looked at the tray and nothing that Tony hadn't eaten anything on it so he just pointed the tray and told his lover to get ready in an hour. And so Tony ate and started to pick out what to wear for their surprise day.

Tony was ready and was waiting for his boyfriend in front of the elevator. Steve showed up a minute later or so and he was just thinking that how cute his boyfriend could more get. He hided a bouquet of red and white roses behind him. It also had a blue card in it which contained a poem for his lover. " Hi babe sorry for the wait, I had forgotten something and had to search for it. " said Steve still huffing from the rush. Tony just smiled, tip toed and kissed his boyfriend on the lips. He than just smiled, which meant " No worries " . Steve than handed Tony the bouquet of roses and watched his reaction. He gasped and gladly excepted the bouquet, blushing. He first looked at them than smelled them. They smelled really nice. And awhile later he noticed the card and opened to only find a poem , that was written by his lover. In side it said;

To Tony;
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Your love to me is infinite,
Just like mine is to you.....

Tony just stared at the note, and his eyes began to water. He really did wander that why was he blessed to have someone as great as Steve by his side ,while he hadn't been the nicest person that the humanity knew.

After that, they did do everything that Steve had planned. First they went to the museum of Captain America. Tony had bought nearly 28 different Captain America teamed accessories and plushies and also mugs, only for himself.

And after that they wandered around the streets of NYC. Checking one shop after the other one.

Later on they went to the diner to have lunch. And both of them ordered hamburger, chips and milkshake.

After having lunch they went to Central Park and watched the people around them while enjoying themselves. Then they just watched the sunset while enjoying each other's company.

And than they went to the five star restaurant that Steve payed after dinner even though Tony wanted to pay for it. They just ate, laugh and thought how lucky they were to have each other by their side.

After that Steve told Tony to get up and than they went to buy snacks and drinks to enjoy at the movie night.

Than they went back to the tower and get ready to enjoy the movie. Steve put on Tony's favorite movie " Jumanji " and waited for his boyfriend.

After the movie they both had the same thing planned. Steve noticed the box that was now, Tony was struggling to get it out. When Steve saw it, he acted more quicker and got his ring out first. Tony of course didn't noticed it. Steve holed his chin, making his attention go on him, than bent on one knee in front of him.

" Tony we've been dating about one and a half year and I learned something new about you every day, yet it always felt like I known you for, forever. And you have always been by my side, helping me and unstoppably loving me... And I'm %100 sure that you will keep doing it till the day we die. You mean the life itself to me and so, I'm proudly asking you, Antony Edward Stark, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me ? ". Tony just stood there for a little and than started to say yes over and over again while kissing his boyfriend and letting him put on the ring. After a while Tony spoke up; " Hey Steve, no fair you stoled my line! " said Tony while laughing. And than Steve said something that surely shut Tony's mouth up and make him blush like crazy. " Well , you stoled my heart....."

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