Avengers Creek: Part 1

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So- I'm working to on the requests from alllll the way back. Plus, the Tony - Steve story (I can't do it without you) because some people have asked me to write a follow up chapter and I am but I just can't pinpoint what I exactly want in the second chapter. So- till hi pop out the requests. And that stony chapter specifically, I give you this. I've been lately getting into horses and I've been seeing many au's and I decided to add some of my favorite marvel characters into this au. At the end of each chapter every newly added characters job will be right under the stories end. After the first 3 chapters (yes I'm planning to write that many chapters cause I don't know where the story will be going yet) I'll get into their background.

As always please do excuse any possible grammar mistakes.

I hope yall enjoy this story.


Nobody's P.O.V.:

The sun was scorching hot on their skins, it had been a couple of hours since they've started their journey, the two horses and their riders slowly trotted through the hot desert. Pietro looked up and sighed in slight relief as he finally spotted a sign, a town, only few miles away. Both him and his twin sister Wanda were wanted criminals, hated and feared by many for their unexplainable abilities.

Pietro being the fastest gun slinger the west had ever seen whilst Wanda being the most accurate gun slinger. What made their actions unexplainable was the way it happened, any time Pietro grabbed his guns from their holster, many witnesses stated that not only did the action happened in less than a second but a swift silver-blue light was seen every time it happened and in the blink of an eye, the other person would be dead, no one even recalling seeing Pietro pulling the trigger.

In Wanda's case, the abnormalities were more visual. Both her eyes and her hands would start to glow a red hue as she grabbed her guns out of their holsters. And the bullet that was fired out of the gun would always hit their target, no matter what. This included the bullet floating longer and further than any other bullet, taking turns and avoiding obstacles till it hit its target, making her the most accurate gun slinger. Many believed the twins were cursed or had souls their soul to the devil, which wasn't their case as they had such capabilities since birth.

Wanda rode on her chestnut colored, grulla blanket patterned, Shire horse named Scarlet whom she had a close bond with. Next to her Pietro rode on his silver dapple, Clydesdale horse, Silver, whom he loved a lot. From the distance a town started to came into view, the twins sighed simultaneously as they finally found somewhere to rest for a while. The towns name was written onto a sign with bold letters; 'Avengers Creek'. They rode the horses into town, the residence merely glanced at the twins before returning to what they were doing, the twins came to a halt in front of a specific building, a hotel.

They got off their horses and entered the building, a Chinese man was behind the desk as he looked up and smiled at the twins. "Hello, good day, how may I help you two ?" The twins looked at each other before Wanda spoke. "A room for two please." The man nodded and jotted something down before handing Wanda a key, just then Pietro butted in. "Do you have a place for our horses to rest ?" The man nodded and led the twins to the back of the hotel where a large stable stands. "They can stay here, it'll cost a bit but I promise you nothing but the best service." The twins stared at each other and nodded, they went inside and paid the man. "Oh and if you need anything, do let me know, I'm the owner of the hotel, Wong. And if by chance I'm busy you can always find and call to the busboy, Peter." The twins lightly smiled at Wong before going outside to take Silver and Scarlet to the stables, after making sure their horses were set, they settled into the room. And after that they decide to take a stroll around the town.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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