( Ryan R. x Tom Hol. ): // Request //Just Visiting

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Helloow, it's me, again, I'm back, another chapter, as the title says, this chapter is a request !!! By WolvessWithGunss .

Also I have a new cover, it's just like the old one, Steve and Tony changed positions and the drawing is a bit more detailed, but after putting the cover I noticed that it's basically the same picture, but like, it got an update.

So you know, new cover, old me...

In my opinion, I ship Andrew Garfield and Ryan Reynolds better than I ship Tom Holland and Ryan Reynolds. I ship Tom Holland and Zendaya, but Tom Holland ships himself with Jake Gyllenhaal.

But it's a request and they look kinda cute, so on with the story...

Enjoy !!!


Nobody's P.O.V.:

They met each other on a award ceremony. They quickly become friends and they also texted each other from time to time. When they weren't busy filming, or doing something important, they face timed each other and had hours of conversations.

Before Tom came to Marvel, he already have watched Deadpool and was taking an interest in the older male actor. He found Ryan charming, funny, incredible and handsome. But it never have crossed his mind that he would be meeting the Deadpool actor.

While Tom was feeling this way, Ryan wasn't any different. He have heard of Tom, but it wasn't until CACW that he have actually seen the boy. After watching the movie, Ryan thought that he would hit it big. Tom was a brilliant actor and he had a bright future. Tom was 20 at the time, but the boy had caught his eye. Ryan wanted to know a little bit about the spider man actor, so he called someone who has played in CACW, and someone he knew. Even though she was his ex, Ryan and Scarlett were still friends, they talked from time to time and if they had time and if they were in the same city, they tend to have brunches. So when he dialed her, he actually haven't thought of what to say to the blonde. ' Hello ?', ' Hi Scarlett, how have you been ?', ' Hello Ryan, I've been good, and you ? What have you been up to ?', ' Oh you know a little bit of this, a little bit of that...', ' Ok, what do you want ?', ' Who me ? I want nothing, I just wanted to call an old friend, that's all...', ' Yeah sure, cause I totally believe you. Before I hang up, I advise you to tell me the real reason of why you called me !' Ryan stayed quiet for a minute, debating if he should tell his tiny tinsie celebrity crush on the young boy or just make something up and anger Scarlett, making it harder to call her later on. He stay quiet for a few more moments, before speaking up. ' So I uh was wondering something...', ' About ?', ' Someone...', 'Oh ? And who is this, someone ?', ' Uhm...', ' Ryan, c'mon, you can tell me, I mean, we were once married, remember ? Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut and my reaction to minimum.' Ryan trusted her, he really did, just the, keeping reaction to minimum, part wasn't believable. ' It's Tom Holland, ok, he just seemed interesting and since you were in a movie together, I wandered what he was like ?' Ryan than heard a muffled squeal and than Scarlett's raspy voice. ' And why do you want to learn about him ?', ' Like I said, he looks interesting, and with both of our schedules I don't think we'll have a chance to meet up, so I wanted learn some stuff about him, sorry for wondering shit.' Even though Ryan didn't see her, he felt Scarlett rolling eyes at him. ' Kay than Mr. Overreacter, I'll send you all the things I know about the kid, you do know that you could've goggled all this shit and would've found something still reliable right ?' Ryan froze for a moment, shit she was right, and if he did that, he would've saved the embarrassment. He heard a ding and looked at his WhatsApp. He had a list of boys like, what he was like and what he got afraid of or didn't like. Ryan had a little smirk to his self. Than he heard Scarlett say; ' Oh btw, don't forget to invite me !', ' To ?', ' To your wedding of course. ', ' SCARLETT WHAT THE F-' -beep beep beep-. She hung up on him. She never changed. She is just like the day he met her. He had a blush on his face. He looked at the phone and before he start reading the message that Scarlett send him. He grabbed a cup of coffee and got comfortable on the couch before opening the messaging app.

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