( Hiddlesworth ): Not your cup of Tea

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So yeah how u guys been, well to be honest I have been SOOOO shitty and if you ask why the answer is super, duper simple it's: HEEEEEELLLLLL or as the society calls it, (ughhhh) high school. Anyways enough about me, how are you, how is life, I'mma sarcastic lil shit. Anyways (again) this was requested by sweet Hadal84 and thank him/her for that, cuz SOME DANGED BODY FINALLY REQUESTED SOME THING. Btw I am making a Thorki as well, just like he/she requested, btw pls request, cuz I have ideas, yes but at some point I will run out and than what, also omg 400 (or so) READS OMGGGGG, thank you alll, Anyways enjoy 😊!!!!!!!

BTW: Sorry for nut updating for a month and I'm still sad because of the loss of The Legend Stan Lee...         



Nobody's P.O.V.:

Most of the people knew that Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston was close and they also knew that they were really good friends who got along excellent. But what they didn't know was how they felt about each other. Cause both of the brilliant actors felt something for one another and it was not so obvious, well not to all though.

You see the only two that noticed it were, Tessa Thompson and Mark Rufallo.

And they did knew that they would end up together someday, but they didn't knew that they would be the cause of it.

You see Chris and Elsa were having some relationship problems lately, and for Chris Tom was like the only person out there that could comfort him.

So when Chris entered their house and saw Elsa making out with someone he just had it to his limit. He than ran away from the house as fast as he can.

While at that time all of the Ragnarok crew was there, cause Chris was generous enough to invite them. The whole crew was staying at an hotel. And when Chris left the house he directly went there to see his friends who can actually help him.

Tessa, Mark, Taika or maybe Tom. He did wanted to see him, but he didn't knew why, he didn't knew why it was Tom and not someone else. Cause There are 7 billion people on this planet, yet his heart has chosen his cute ,Brit ,co-star.

When he arrived at the hotel, he was a mess. To his luck Mark was just sitting in the lobby and reading a book. When he noticed his friend and his condition his eyes widened. He than just ran next to him and helped him get on one of the couches.

While Chris was getting comfortable on the the couches, Mark hurried quickly and texted Taika also went to the other side of the lobby to call Tessa when he saw Taika.

Chris looked up to see Taika walking fast towards him with a worried look on his face. He was disappointed that it wasn't Tom, but he was thankful that it was one of his friends.

They talked about an hour or so, and now it was 11.38. Tom was out that night, to go and see few different places. And when he finally came back to the hotel. He was welcomed by non other than Tessa and Mark who pulled him on to one of the couches and sat him down.

Tom's P.O.V.:

I just entered the hotel and now I'm sitting on a couch with Tessa and Mark. At this late hour. I wonder what happened. It's not usual to see them like this, this worried. I was about to ask what happened, but I was interrupted by non other than Tessa herself. " Tom we need your help, asap. " " Why, what happened, why are you all acting all so strange? " They just sat there in silence for some time, than Mark started to talk again. But I saw the hesitation on his face, I wonder why. " You see Tom, well, actually you see... " he was starting to get on my nerve, what was it that's so important that he can't even tell me properly. I raised my voice a bit and than asked." Mark, just answer it, what has happened? " he looked down to the ground and stayed silent, so Tessa answered my question. " You see Tom, about an hour ago Chris came here, looking like a mess. He was really bad, and he told us that he had a problem, but we don't properly know what it is, and last time we saw him he and Taika were going out to tal-" " WHAT ??!??! " I didn't knew what came over me but I just got up and yelled 'what' at Tessa's face. I than just ran to the first door I saw that lead outside.

Nobody's P.O.V.:

Tessa and Mark just looked at each other. Tessa grinning and Mark smiling. " You think it'll work? " asked Mark knowing the answer. Than Tessa answered him, while keep grinning. " If I know those two there is no way that it cannot work, oh also call Taika and tell him to get ready to come in , cause our plan will be in action very, very soon." Mark than just took out his phone and texted Taika.

When Tom reached to Chris, Taika was leaving, saying goodbye. Tom directly rushes to his side, his features showing his panic. " Oh god Chris I'm sorry, I didn't knew what happened, I just came here from a sightseeing to be only told by Mark and Tessa that Elsa cheated on you. " he said in on breath. Chris has the worse possible night of his life, yes, but after getting this reaction from him, he had a amused look on his face, seeing that the guy he likes is worried about him, he felt happy, happier than he has ever been with Elsa or anybody else. " Oh Tom no worries it's fine, I'm glad to have friends like them. " 'them' but he didn't mentioned him, why ? Who knows why, probably because he is not good enough for Chris, I mean look at him, a well built body, perfect hair, beautiful eyes, kind soul, amazing smile, good humor, and a big heart. What more can you ask ? But he was disappointed, and every inch of his face showed it. When Chris saw it, he knew what he had to do.

He had to do it, he had no other chance, not like this one. With inhuman speed, Chris jolted up from his seat, meeting Tom's beautiful eyes. He smiles, knowing that this is the man he loves, even though there is a chance that he may get rejected, but still he was gonna do it. So he hold his delicate hands in his own ones and looks to him while Tom looks back.

He inhales deeply, than starts. " My dear Tom, I don't think there are any words to describe my feelings for you. You are so cute, so brave, so kind, so talented, so clever, so amazing, so you, that everybody that meets you, instantly gets attached to you, just like me. And when I said how lucky I was to have them as my friend, is because that you were always some more to me than just a friend, or a costar. And what I'm actually, trying to say is that, I love you Thomas William Hiddleston, and I hope you feel the same as well. " at the end of his semi-mini speech, he was shaking. His hands were wet and cold, yet they were still holding Tom's.

Tom was speechless after what he heard. But yet he had his answer now, the guy he liked likes him back. But he needed to show Chris that he felt the same way, but he didn't know why. After thinking for a moment he remembered a memory of both of them, that may actually help.

Flashback: Tom was facing Chris, they were rehearsing for a scene, and Tom was struggling with a part that he had. He was reading the part over and over again but his tone and voice didn't quite right. And Chris was seeing his struggle so he came up with a way that could actually help him. Instead of just saying the line, read it, feel it, be it, cause nothing makes more of a change than movement and action.

End of flashback...

And he was gonna do it. So he acted fast, grabbed his co-stars cheeks, and pulled them to his face, only to be end up with a sweet, tender kiss from the other guy. When Chris fully understand what was going on, he started to kiss deeper, which only led to a make out session, in the garden of a 5 star hotel.

And while this was happening inside the hotel the vast of Ragnarok crew was watching the scene, everybody passing 5 and 10 dollar bills to Tessa and Mark, who were glad to see their friends finally happy.

And about 5 weeks later Chris and Elsa divorced, leaving Chris to take the children. Who was now living with Tom in his house. And of course, thanks to social media, now the whole world knew that the two actors were dating, that they were happy and also they were not their original cup of tea...

Thank you all for reading, I hope it was worth the wait. I hope you enjoyed it. Please request. I will also do only Christmas teemed. Cause it's December and I love Christmas. See you all soon. I will do a lil extra that is not about Christmas but that's all. So baiiii

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