( Thruce ): One kiss is Enough... //Request

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Requested a long time ago by @Udontnote , I hope you enjoy this.

Not a warning, just a side note, it contains Endgame content.

I know I have some long term request that I haven't posted yet but I'm trying to do them, please do request, I have about 2-3 request at the moment and I will try to post them as quick as possible.

Anyways let's go on with the story......

No one' s POV:

It was after Tony's funeral. Bruce was sitting on the porch after talking to Steve and Sam. Bucky left with T'challa a while ago, Wanda left with Clint, Peter, Peper, Morgan, Happy and Harley was inside the house, Fury and Hill left with May, Valkry had left for New Asgardians, Strange was escorting everybody home before going to National Security to see Agent Ross, Scott had his family with him, going back to San Francisco, Carol has already left the Milky Way, the guardians were back in space and ready to return and pick up Thor whenever he needed.

Before leaving the mourning family he went inside. He told Happy to always look after them, he told Pepper to be strong, he told Peter that if he needed someone to talk he'll be always there and last but not least he told Morgan that her uncle Bruce would be always there to protect her and support her, whenever he needed.

Before going out, he saw Rhodes in the kitchen, preparing some Mac'n Cheese for them, he wawes at his direction and left the house.

He blamed himself for Tony's death. He was the first person to wear it and he survived and as his calculations showed, he would have survived the second one too. That's why he was blaming himself. If he could have just been there, if only he was fast enough.

He felt something changing and look to see that he was now only human. He knew that whenever he want he could bring hulk back, but right now he just wanted to be a human.

Before going to the compound, he wanted to see Thor. After hearing that he might leave the Avengers to join the Guardians, he didn't wanted to waste any possible time that he can spend with Thor.

He made his way to the new Asgard. With a car he borrowed. He was thinking of any way that he would be useful for the Stark family. He thought about a lot of things, how he could have saved them, how he could've been here to help them, or how he could've been honest enough to admit the truth of his feelings to a certain god.

And now he was pulling up to a little lot. Getting out of the car, he smelled the fresh air around him. Last time he was here, he convinced Thor to join them once more.

He saw a figure coming towards him, and he immediately recognized the feminine figure, it wasn't a surprise to see her still drunk.

Valkry was happy to see a familiar face. She came up to him and hugged him, like tomorrow was Ragnarok. Her smile fell a little when he saw Bruce's face. He indeed had a smile on his face but it was a sad and even a little bit forced.

" You don't look well, are you good ?". Asked the female warrior, not even changing her emotions. Bruce just nodded. She kinda figured out why he was here and why he looked so down. " Are you here to say farewell to him? ". Bruce smiled a little " If only it was just farewell. ". He than made his way to his house. He saw Korg, telling him that he left the house and went to the meeting point for the Guardians. Bruce than asked about the meeting point, which turned out to be a cliff near New Asgard.

He made his way to the cliff, walking slowly. He was thinking about how he wanted to tell him about his feelings. He knew that Thor swings both ways, but he was nearly %100 percent sure that, he was just a friend for him. But Bruce was determined to do this.

He saw, from a far, his figure. Minus the weight gain, he still looked the handsome, over enthusiastic and kind king he have met the first day. In that moment Bruce felt safe and protected and this kinda gave him the courage he has been looking for.

When he got closer to the Asgardian Royal member ( 😉 ) ( jkjk ), he called out for him. " Hey Thor !", in which the blonde king responded with a wide smirk in return. He made his way over to his old friend to greet him with a nice hug. " Bruce what a great surprise this is, and what do I owe the pleasure in seeing you here ? Is it about Tony, cause if it is, I'm here for you and also you really have to stop blaming yourself, you could've done nothing about it, if you weren't fighting against those beasts, he might have never did the snap to save everyone. Not to mention that you have bring everybody back, which nearly cost you your arm. ".

Bruce was not there about the whole battle and the loss of Tony thing, but he felt a bit more at ease after hearing Thor comfort him. He took a deep breath, this was gonna be challenging for the all mighty Hulk.

" Umm n-no Thor that's not why I-I'm here for, but thank you for that pep talk anyway.". Thor looked a little confused, why was his dear is here than. Oh yes his dear. Thor had been in love with this incredible man for such long time, he even fought off ( with words ). So be actually hoped that this would be the day that he finally had him. " So why are you here B-Bruce ?". At this question, Bruce gulped and his cheeks turned into a light rosy shade. " I um ah, actually here to tell you something, something important."

Thor's eyes glistened with curiosity, he was eager to learn what Bruce had to say to him so urgent and so important. " Y-you see T-Thor, for some time now, I-I started- No, I have been in l-love with you and after all t-the craziness w-we have been trough, I-I though it was time, b-but you do not need to return my-".

Bruce's words was cut off by an eager Thor, not wanting to hold back anymore. Now knowing that his feelings weren't one sided and that he can finally be with the one he love. But there was one hold up, and that was his royal promise to the Guardians. There were two things; one, he wasn't originally planning on telling his feelings to Bruce and to hide them, he wanted to join the Guardians. Two, his royal promise meant, permanent so there was no going back.

Thor than looked at Bruce and explained what has been done. Of course this made Bruce a little sad, but he managed trough it. " I'm sorry I have to leave, but I'll be back within 3 months, love. ". Said Thor. " I'm sorry that I'm not giving you the love you deserve right now.". He also added. Than Bruce placed his hands on both sides of his face and said to him. " No worries, one kiss is enough.". And with that he said his final goodbye to the god and just patiently waited for the next few months to go fast.

Hello everybody, I'm sorry I haven't written anything in such a long time. Half of that time I had some personal stuff to attend to. But know that I'm back and I will be waiting for new requests. I already have a Winterpanther, a Thorki and a Stony.

I will try to update some more in next few weeks. I hope you liked this chapter, hope you are having a good day or a good night.


-Baiiii ❤️

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