( Spideypool ): // Request // Some Mistakes Were Made

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So like damn. This chapter is 4800 words long. Anywho, sorry for the extra, extra delay, it wasn't on purpose. I had to go to the doctor and shit and each day gets more stressful for me on personal notes so it get extra delayed and kinda is some of the reason to my odd upload schedule. Now this had been requested awhile back ( like most ) but regardless I hope y'all enjoy it. This was requested by @s-h-u-t_u-p and I hope they enjoy this chapter.

The other chapter will be published in few minutes to an hour or so, I can't find who wanted this, so, yeah...

Please excuse any grammar mistakes I may have.

Other than that I have nothing to add. That's all for now, I hope y'all enjoy the story !


Both as a spider person and a super hero, Peter has gotten really good in sneaking around. He could disappear into the shadows or leave the house unnoticed and basically was able get away with most things.

He escaped trough complicated labyrinths and got out of the stickiest situation. He broke out prisons multiple times in various occasions and was able to run away from the strongest enemy's.

And after a long time he had another reason to sneak around, his boyfriend, Wade Wilson.

As the only child of the family, he was held dear and near to his parents. And to say the least because of his reputation, Tony and Steve did not liked the guy.

It made Peter so angry time to time. He was 20, he was in his second year at college and he was still babied by his parents constantly. ' He's not good for you ' or ' He's a bad man ' or ' You can do way better. '. It made him mad how his parents referred to Wade. Yes, Peter was aware way before he started dating him that Wade was a mercenary, and Peter did asked Wade many times to quit and find a better way, and he still does. Wade says that he'll try, but not much changed yet.

Peter wished his parents would be able to see what an amazing person Wade was. Because of a chemical explosion that happened while he was a kid, Wade doesn't look like other people. With no hair and marks across his body and his burned scars, some people refer to him as a freak, which is something Peter hates with his being cause to him and the people Wade matter to, he looks gorgeous.

Despite the hate he has gotten, every Friday between 2-4 pm, he goes to the hospital near his house to see the patients with severe burns or the kids with cancer and make them laugh. With his jokes for all ages ( surprisingly ), his funny antics, his impressive magic tricks and many more. He also helps out at the homeless shelter cause he once lived on the streets as well. He works at a shelter / vet as a part time job. And as his actual job he is still a mercenary.

For Wade , Peter is his shining sun, he's the reason why Wade has so many cheesy pick up lines. He likes spending time with the younger guy. He would never do anything that may harm Peter or anyone he loves or cares about. Wade probably is one of the few people who knows how capable Peter is able to take care of himself, but, if anyone were to hurt him, he would kill for Peter.

He had met with both of Peter's dads in different occasions, and to say the least, it did not went well.

He first met Steve, while he was on a solo mission to catch a group of mutant bandits. They accidentally came across and Wade helped him, but as Steve was thanking Wade, he said; " Wade you seem like a nice guy despite what you do as a, uh, 'job', you really do. But to take in consideration of your actions, I don't think that Peter is safe around you. "

Than it was Tony, they actually met each other at a donut shop. They both were in line and for a split second they got a chance to talk. Wade introduced himself and as soon as he did, he regretted it badly. " Listen up Wilson, I've seen and heard many things which were enough to know about you. And what you are is a danger to society and a danger to my son, so I'll say it once and only once, Stay.Away.From.Peter. !" And that was that.

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