( Frostiron ): Lazy Day // Request

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Hi... First of all I want to apologize for the big *ss break, I had writer's block and exams. Highschool sucks. Anyways I have a non requested chapter that I'm about to finish and as soon as I finish it I'll publish it. I'll probably finish it until Sunday. For now please enjoy this request. I'm sorry I have forgotten who requested this. But I'll add the people who had requests to the next chapter. Hope you'll like it !!! For now it's all I have and please excuse my grammar mistakes...

Enjoy !!!


What a week. Monday, a 12 hour long conference. Tuesday, a secret mission  and at the end which had a bomb that blew them up. Wednesday, their 5 year old daughter Jen got a stomachache so she was taken to the doctor, cause Bruce was away with Thor. Thursday, Loki got stabbed and Tony nearly got shot. Friday, the tower had a power shortage due to an experiment made by Peter and Wanda and Loki got stuck in the electronic closet for 5 hours. Saturday, they had training and because Thor lost himself, Tony ended up with the biggest bruise ever. Today was Sunday. Tony stayed up late and made sure nobody interrupted him nor his husband. FRIDAY was to only inform them, when a world threatening danger was afoot.

They slept till 9.00 o'clock, and while they were sleeping, Natasha and Bucky made them breakfast. They knew how tired the duo were. They also agreed to look after Jen, till 17.00. Cause after that, the duo wanted to spend time with their daughter, and because their daughter sleeps at 8, they could do something afterwards.

When Tony finally woke up, he shook his husband till he woke up as well. " Tony, honey, please stop. This our lazy day, go to sleep. " But instead of going to sleep, he just pouted and kept shaking his husband. After some time Loki gave up and got up. They both got out of the bed and went to the bathroom, washed their faces and brushed their teeth. They went to the main area and on the coffee table they saw, the breakfast made by the Russian assassin duo. They mentally thanked them, and ate what was in front of them. It was delicious.

Tony pulled out some classic Disney movies for them to watch. For example Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Toy Story 1,2,3 and 4, Frozen, A Bugs Life, Cars and Moana. Meanwhile Loki made popcorn and got out two big tubs of mint chocolate chip ice cream. They also had some soda as well.

They didn't watch all of the movies but they watched Frozen, Toy Story 2 and Finding Nemo. They wanted to watch A Bugs Life later on with Jen.

After that they went to a private beach, one of many for Tony. They swam there for an hour or so, than they did a stroll in New York City. Tony bought some new lab goggles cause the last one got blown to pieces, Loki bought some highlighter and some eyeshadow. They also got Jen a custom made Jotun doll.

After that, they went home about an hour later. It was now 4.00 pm, when Tony asked where Jen was, Friday said that she was in the training room, learning how to leg choke. After hearing this both hero's nearly had an heart attack. They frantically ran into the training room, bursting the doors open. When they went inside they looked at the laughing trio. " Nat, what did you do ?". She and the others kept laughing. Jen's face was now red and Bucky was rolling on the floor, while Natasha was holding her sides. " You were right babe, that WAS hilarious." , " Auntie, that was gold. ". Tony and Loki looked at each other dumbfounded. " Wha ? ". Asked Tony , the face he was making was priceless. " Oh my dear Tones, we were simply playing a prank on you, did you really thought that I would teach your daughter how to leg choke at this age ? You're crazy, she is too young, I'll teach her next year."," No you won't ." Added Tony. " And here we spent, trying to make the perfect day for our daughter, and how she thanks us, nearly giving both of her daddies heart attacks. How rude." Said Tony. " Guess we won't watch A Bugs Life and eat junk food tonight." Added Loki. Jen froze, her brown eyes filled with tears and her lips started to tremble. " D-daddy I'm s-sorry, please d-don't cancel family night, I've-I've missed my d-daddies...". Hearing this both Natasha and Bucky made death glares to Tony and Loki. While their heart was shattered into a million pieces. They never expected to have an effect on Jen, this bad. Seeing their daughter miss them and just couldn't see them for nearly a whole week made them feel even worse. She was about to hit her break point. Her skin started to turn blue. At this point Natasha and Bucky have already left the room. Loki bent down in front of their sweet princess. And Tony stood next besides him.

" My lovely precious princess, my gift from above. Me and Daddy are really sorry. We didn't realized that, we have hurt you as much as this. We both love you and we tried to make a joke when we said that we'll cancel family night. How about we go upstairs, FRIDAY will make some popcorn your daddy will put on the movies and I will give you a little present I got you today, ok ? How does that sound ?". The little girl just giggled and nodded her head.

Tony told FRIDAY to make the popcorn while he rushed upstairs to get the film and the couch ready. Beverages and the ice cream was already out when Loki and Jen reached  the penthouse part of the tower. Loki put Jen on the couch and went inside to retrieve Jen's gift.

It was a middle sized box, wrapped in blue metallic wrapping paper and there was a red bow with yellow stars on top. Jen's eyes widened. It was so pretty. When Tony entered the living room with a big bowl of popcorn in his hand and than made his way next to his husband and his daughter Loki handed Jen the gift box. Jen hurriedly opened the box to see a black haired and red eyed jotun plushy inside. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. She immediately hugged the plushy.  " It looks like papa, I love it. Daddy look at papa !! Now I have both daddy and papas toys. ". Both of the Avengers looked at each other and chuckled at the sight of their precious daughter. Tony sat on one end of the couch while Loki sat on the other side. Jen was sitting in the middle. Tony and Loki were holding hands from behind while watching a classic Disney movie with popcorn, ice cream and soda. While their daughter was hugging a Jotun plushy and watching the movie. All three were happy. This is what a lazy day looked like for them, family, friends and food, they were glad and it was all soo good...

And that's done. Hope you enjoyed it. Again I apologize for the wait.


Question: Who is excited for the new Black Widow Movie ? Cause I sure as heck am excited !!!

Again please excuse my grammar mistakes...

That's all for now, have a good day or night !

And I'll see you guys on the next chapter !!!


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