( Winterpanther ) : A BIG Misunderstanding

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Hello everybody I'm back, ( feels like the start of a YouTube video ) anyways I'm not dead apparently and I am pleading you to do a request and I promise to post it on Valentines Day and yes I'm for reals I am waiting so please I will do ANYTHING ( by ships btw ) and sorry no smut, but still you can give me just a ship or a plot line with the ship so I'm waiting.....


Nobody P.O.V.:

It was now officially winter in NYC. And everybody was getting their winter stuff out off their wardrobes. Heck it even started snowing few days ago. Now the coffee shops were making more sale than ever, while Christmas was getting closer than ever before.

The king of Wakanda was also there at that time, to celebrate the festive time of Christmas with his friends and with his secret, 2 year boyfriend Bucky Barnes.

I know what you all are thinking, 2 years without telling, how could they hide something so amazing. But you see both of the sides had their own reasons to keep this amazing news a secret.

T'challa was afraid what will his friends, his family and his people would think about him when they learn that he was BI and he also has a 2 year boyfriend that he wants to marry. I mean it is 2018, yet he was afraid.

And Bucky had similar reasons as well. For example, growing up in the 30's didn't help his self confidence too. He was afraid that people might judge him, harm him or even worse, harm T'challa, he also was afraid what Steve would think about his choice, or the rest, what would they think when they learn the 70 year old assassin was dating a king. Also he wasn't helping himself as well. Maybe, maybe he isn't good enough for the king. Yet he still loved him, and knew that T'challa loved him as well.

But of course, dating for two years and hiding it a secret was not such big of a deal, because our favorite hoodie sharing master assassin duo was married for 4 years and Nat was pregnant for 7 weeks now and also keeping it a secret without Clint knowing it as well.

So for conclusion, everybody had a wonderful Christmas present for their loved one.

Now they were at Central Park, doing ice skating on top of the frozen lake. There were snow everywhere. Not because that it has been snowing a lot recently, but because before starting to ice skate, the team had divided themselves into two, and had a epic snowball fight. And now they were relaxing.

Everybody was there; Steve, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Darcy, Thor, Loki, Rhodes, Peter, Wade, T'challa, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Maria and heck even Fury was there with them.

Some of them were drinking the gallon of hot cocoa that Peter has brought , some of them were doing snow angels, some them were doing the replicas of the Avengers with snow, calling them 'The mighty Snow warriors, the Savengers ', some were having a colorful conversation and the rest was skating on the ice.

After skating, the skaters ( T'challa, Clint, Natasha, Bucky and Loki ) went to get some yummy hot cocoa with the group, who has been drinking for half an hour.

( Btw Nat does not show that she was pregnant, nor did she fell on the ice, or made something that, may hurt the baby)

About ten minutes later, everybody sat around the hot cocoa bottle, and was drinking and talking and laughing. The air was getting colder, and now everybody was snuggling closer together.

Than for a slight moment, T'challa have forgotten where he was, and because of that he yelled in front of everybody, " I'm tired of fucking Winter", and after that Bucky became silent, and Steve looked at him with a weirded out face, cause they were having a  colorful conversation, and now he just stopped talking.

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