Moments in Time: Tony Stark

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This wasn't a request but it does have mentions of Stony. If you guys like this and would like part two please do let me know. I saw few edits on similar things and I was like- yea I wanna try that. The other requests are currently being written. I won't be posting anything else this week as I have my semifinals.

Please do excuse any of my grammar mistakes.

I hope y'all enjoy !!!


Third Person's P.O.V. :

There are moments in life where you have to really ask yourself how did you end up here. What led you to this moment ? Are you prepared to face it ? What's the plan ? Well, for Anthony Stark, he had none of the answers to these questions as he was face to face with an older looking version of himself. Steve was training, god knows where Natasha and Clint were at, Bruce was giving a speech at an online conference and Thor was off planet. He doesn't know what he should do. He doesn't know what anyone else would do in a situation like this. He thought about screaming at his face and using it as a distraction or throwing the mug of coffee that he was holding in his hand towards him, using that as a distraction and running away or maybe telling Jarvis that there's  an emergency and that he needs everyone to assemble. But no, 2012 Anthony  Edward Stark does not do any of the things listed. He just stares to himself as he stares back.

A deep breath, closing his eyes, counting to ten than opening his eyes to look back at himself. He doesn't know how to start a conversation with whatever or whoever that might be in front of him. As he slightly opens his mouth to speak, the older version starts to talk. " Hey, hi. I know. Super weird and super awkward, believe me, I feel the same way. ". Than he stops. He takes a breath at quietly mutters. ' And Nat has done this how many times ? How did she manage to even talk... '. Few more seconds of silence. " I'm not Loki, don't ask how I know but he can shape shift and I'm not him, swear to it on my- our mother. I'm not a clone, I'm not some weird alien with advanced technology. Let's see... What else would I think the other me might be... I'm not an alternative version of you that's here to warn you nor am I an evil twin. However... I- uh. Probably shouldn't say it but desperate times I guess... I'm you from about 11 years later.".

Past Tony had started to sip from his mug when the other one started talking, with the last sentence that left the others mouth, he spewed his coffee in shock. The other one used his arms to shield himself from it. Past Tony started to cough. Future one patted his back to help. When past Tony finally caught his breath he turned to the future version, unable to believe the words he had uttered. " Excuse me what ??? ". He than regained his posture in front of his future self. " If you're really me, somehow prove it !". The other Tony fazed out for a bit, he processed a lot of thoughts before finally focusing back on his past counterpart.

" We had a sister, Giulia... She was 8 when a small meteorite fell on top of her... ( if you
guess what movie this was 'inspired' from, be my friend ) She somehow survived but than the problems began, she started acting weird, she was sent away by dad, we had contact with her till she was 12 and we lost her location when we were 24. We haven't seen or heard of her ever since. Before she left, she gave us a rose made out of craft paper, we have it, penthouse, our room, second drawer to the left, at the very back, inside a clear plastic case. She gave that to her dear 'fratello'* as a goodbye gift, and we kept it. We still do...".

Future Tony realized that his gaze was now on the floor so he looked back up to his past self only to see him with teary eyes. Past Tony sniffled. He gestured his future self to follow him inside the penthouse. They both went up to the bar as future Tony started making them drinks. He made Whiskey on Rocks for his past self as he grabbed a Long Island Ice Tea for himself. Past Tony eyed him weirdly. When his future self noticed it, he gave an amused look. " What's with the face ? We did drink cocktails, it's not that weird.". But his past version wasn't convinced, he kept staring. Future Tony sighed. " If you must know, my spouse has a big impact on it. Plus... you really wouldn't wanna get drunk in front of a five year old. Bad role model, plus, you never hear the end of it from your partner. Also it would make us way too similar to dad which is the last thing I'd want."

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