Chapter 4

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After Lu Xun finished speaking, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth casually, took a final look at Qian Wei, and then really left with the cactus in his hand. The storm had finally subsided, the random onlookers dispersed, and Qian Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was also lunchtime and she was a little hungry, so she left straight to the canteen.

"Qian Wei!" At that point Qian Chuan finally and he chased his sister with a fierce attitude, when he caught up with Qian Wei he blocked her at her table and asked, "Do you have a crush on Lu Xun too?"

Qian Wei rolled her eyes while eating her sweet and sour pork: "You really don't know what kind of humiliation you narrowly avoided."

"What humiliation? Do you think I can't beat a pretty boy like Lu Xun?"

"You really can't beat him." Qian Wei said contemptuously, "Don't think that since you are a sports student, you must be stronger than others. Lu Xun has the type of body that looks thin but is really well built under his clothes."

In her last life, Qian Chuan also challenged Lu Xun and as a result, not only did he not vent his grievance, but his head was almost beaten into a pig's head by Lu Xun. Don't just look at the surface of this guy, Lu Xun, who usually seemed gentle and restrained, because his heart was as black as coal. When they fought he especially aimed only for the face while purposefully not knocking Qian Chuan down. It was completely unlike Qian Chuan's disorganized style of fighting.

Afterward, Qian Chuan had a colorful face that was beautiful as a rainbow and he couldn't go out to see other people for a month. Thereafter, he had sworn a feud against Lu Xun.

"Have you seen it?" Qian Chuan is angry.

"I haven't seen it. But can't I dream?"

"You are really interested in that pretty boy." Qian Chuan smiled strangely. "I saw how unusually you flattered Lu Xun today. You just wanted to hit on him. What 'example for you to learn from'? I've known you for nineteen years and I haven't ever seen you want to study hard. You're constantly late for class. Someone who can't even get up early enough for class suddenly has an idol for their studies?"

"Don't be so nasty-minded, will you? Lu Xun is not my type at all, okay?" Qian Wei stopped her chopsticks and thought of Lu Xun, the 28-year-old scum with the aura of a beast. "My type is a man who is pure like driven snow. Not Lu Xun's uncontrollable flirtatious and cheap type."*

"Flirtatious and cheap?" Qian Chuan was a stranger to this term from the future. "Although I don't like him, I can't just slander him. How is Lu Xun flirtatious and cheap? He's well dressed and keeps his pretty face clean. And, although I am a man, I can admit that he is really good-looking..."

"You don't know anything." Qian impatiently tapped on her plate. "Lu Xun has that kind of coquettish and flirtatious temperament ingrained in his bones. Just look at his appearance. You can see that even now Lu Xun's face is enough to attract bees and butterflies. And even though currently he has a somewhat pure face, it will definitely evolve in a few years and the flirtatiousness in his bones will show through."

"Koff. Koff. Koff"

"Why are you coughing? Did you manage to choke on your own saliva even without eating anything? What's wrong with your eyes? Do you have a cramp or something to blink so fast?" Qian Wei looked at Qian Chuan, who suddenly broke into loud coughs and started blinking constantly, somewhat baffled.

She obviously did not receive Qian Chuan's good intentions. Only when Lu Xun appeared in front of her with a cold face did Qian Wei realize the crisis.

"This... I can explain..." What bad luck. Even when going to the canteen to eat she could unexpectedly run into Lu Xun, "Lu Xun... I used the wrong words just now. I'll treat you to dinner. Listen to my explanation..."

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