Chapter 37

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On the evening of the weekend, Qian Wei rarely did not read novels under the covers, but crawled up to prepare to go out.

Liu Shiyun glanced at Qian Wei while playing mahjong on the Internet: "Will help me make a dinner later!"

"I'm not at school for dinner today." Qian Wei explained, "I'm going to the movie at Daguangming Studios."

Liu Shiyun put down the computer and went to gossip: "Yo, are you going to a date?" She glanced at Qian Wei, frowning. "But how do you dress like this date, and wear that black crow-like dress again?" , This is too ugly! Do n't talk about men, I want to break up with you when I see it! Change it now! Do you want me to give you the staff? "

"No need! This one is just right!" Qian Wei glanced at his watch and hurriedly pulled on the bag to go out.

She and Lu Xun made an appointment to meet at the gate of Daguangming Studio at four o'clock. The studio was one stop away from A. Although Qian Wei was a little bit hot, she actually had enough time to go to the gate of the studio. Point forty five.

As a result, he arrived at a quarter of an hour early, but saw Lu Xun even waiting at the door early.

When inquiring about Lu at work, and seeing customers at 8 o'clock, they will definitely only arrive at 8 o'clock, not even one minute, because according to him, he has a consultation fee of 5000 per hour, on average, every minute Value 83.3333333 ...

And so believe in "time is money", time is indeed the inquiries of money, in order to Mo Zixin, even if you can arrive early, even willing to wait for others, Qian Wei had to sigh, this is indeed the power of love!

"You have been waiting for a long time?"

Lu Xun's expression was somewhat embarrassing after being pierced, but he still supported his momentum: "No, I have just arrived."

Who are you cheating, Qian Wei thought, I saw you as early as one street away from the Daguangming Studios, just like you are attracting bees and butterflies, wherever you stand, the effect is good. ?

Qian Wei was sharp-eyed, and at a glance he saw what Lu Xun was carrying, and looking at the bag of snacks, Qian Wei felt a sense of old comfort. It's not easy, Lu Xun, who has a negative EQ, finally knows that she should prepare some snacks in advance when she is dating her sister.

Lu Xun's thoughts were quite thoughtful this time. Not only did he prepare to eat, but he did not fall. Qian Wei glanced at a packing bag in his hand and it became clear. Molly milk tea, because it uses real milk instead of creamer, the taste is pure. This milk tea shop was originally dominated by the university city. It was popular for a period of time. It only became popular. Qian Wei remembered that every time she passed the door of the milk tea shop , You can see a long line, every time I want to buy a cup of milk tea from her house, but to wait at least half an hour, Lu Xun said the guy just arrived, but the milk tea in his hand has been leaked At least he has been waiting for half an hour for his whereabouts.

Ah, really love is so beautiful, and even Lu Qun's Lu Xun's inquiry can become so soft and intimate!

It's a pity that Qian Wei didn't have time to continue to sing love, she looked at it and found ... damn! Lu Xun really is still a week! He just bought two cups of milk tea that was so hard to buy! A cup was already drunk in his own hand, and there was only one cup left in the bag! !

Needless to say, Qian Wei also knew that that cup of milk tea must have been left to Mo Zixin.

Do you have a light bulb like this, you don't even have a chance to drink a cup of milk tea! Isn't anyone else in Lu Xun's eyes apart from Mo Zixin? So angry!

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