Chapter 76

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Liu Shiyun was absolutely resolute in doing things, and the next day she reported the names of several people to the drama club.

"There will be a casting for the show next Monday! Don't forget!"

Qian Wei nodded, and soon went back to her online legal consulting website. Although the previous assumptions were very detailed, but when she really started to start a business, Qian Wei only realized that it was not the case. She had already hired IT The team developed the prototype of the website, which is not difficult; uploading a large number of legal contract templates, which is not difficult for Qian Wei, who has practice experience, besides the time it takes, she never thought about the hardest part How to promote this website, Qian Wei thought about distributing flyers in major colleges and universities in City A and advertising on campus forums. However, this attracted only the group of college students, and ordinary laborers who most need legal consulting services may not pay attention. How to promote this website from the ground has become a big problem on the Internet.

"Qian Wei?"

Qian Wei was stunned, then subconsciously replied: "What?"

Lu Xun frowned. Although his tone was still very calm, there was a faint accusation between the lines: "We have only been out for ten minutes, and you have been distracted six times."

This tone is quite resentful...

Qian Wei immediately pacified Lu Xun.

Lu Xun turned his head sideways, and his squeezed face finally cleared up slightly, and the corners of his mouth finally became curved. Obviously, because of Qian Wei's attention, it filled the resentment that was ignored just now. He coughed, and he didn't seem to care too much and said, "Don't you think that I am like this because you don't care about me. I am mainly worried about what you have in mind. After all, being with me can still let you share. There is basically nothing to worry about."

Qian Wei was very happy now, she thought, Lu Xun was quite confident, she couldn't help but joked: "Don't be careless, maybe I suddenly empathized." She looked at Lu up and down. Asked two eyes, "Although your face is your face, your waist is your waist, and your butt is your butt, you are outstanding in all aspects, but people are a bit like the new and disgusting the old. The full banquet of Man Han also had a day of getting tired of eating, maybe I occasionally tasted the way. The side stalls all feel very fresh!"

Lu Xun laughed, "With me, you have no chance to empathize with you." He leaned close to Qian Wei's ear, "Don't dream."

"Besides, I have eaten the Manchu Banquet, I really can't eat the roadside stall." Lu Xun looked at Qian's only eyes, and his tone was low and sexy.

Lu Xun looked at Qian Wei's eyes with subtle waves, but anyone who looked at him like this would make his heart blush.

Qian Wei covered his chest: "Lu Xun, if you discharge like this, I'm going to call the police!"

Lu Xun smiled: "Why don't you say that it is because you conduct electricity?"

The two of them flirted with each other and entered a Thai restaurant. Lu Xun became angry this month and turned back to Kuan Ye. After receiving the translation, he immediately brought Qian Wei to eat Thai food that he hadn't eaten before. Up.

After sitting down and ordering food, Lu Xun still cares: "So what are you thinking about lately?" He paused, "Of course, if you don't want to say, I respect your decision 100%, but I just want you to know. No matter what annoyance you encounter, I will stand by your side."

Qian Wei couldn't help being filled with warmth when he looked at Lu Xun in front of him. Although the surface was very cold, Lu Xun was a gentleman in his bones. He possessed energy, but he would not use it to force others to accept his own way.

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