Chapter 30

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Qian Wei took the external hard drive and wandered around outside of Lu Xun’s dormitory hopefully for a while. Eventually, she sent a text message to Lu Xun and he came downstairs.

It looked like he had just taken a bath. He was dressed casually with cotton trousers and a slim coat, but he still radiated his usual lazy allure. His hair was not completely dry yet and occasionally drops of water dripped down to his ears, which were still slightly red from the heat of the bath.

Unfortunately, the owner of those lovely ears was not very lovely himself. Instead, he was cold and noble and his beautiful lips only uttered three words: “What’s the matter?”

“A present for you!”

Qian Wei had long been accustomed to Lu Xun’s character so without saying much she directly handed over the external hard drive: “Thank you for saving me when I fell into the water. I heard that your external hard drive was broken, so I especially bought you a new one.” She smiled like a lackey. “There are also some good things on it, all of which I especially picked for you.”

After Qian Wei finished saying that, she didn’t know why but she felt a little shy. So she didn’t wait for Lu Xun to respond, she just waved at him and ran away.

“Qian Wei!”

When Qian Wei returned to the dormitory, she was welcomed strangely warmly by Liu Shiyun: “Come in, have some warm water and moisten your throat, sit down quickly and I’ll massage your shoulders.”

“Come on, what do you want?”

Liu Shiyun said with a smile: “Well, the contest I told you about last time will start next weekend but we’re still just a few people short. Do you think you would like to take part? She quickly began to sell it, “There are bonuses for the top three scorers in this competition and Lu Xun will also be taking part!”

Qian Wei was really surprised: “Lu Xun? Didn’t you say he only bothers with international competitions? How on earth did you persuade him to lower himself to join in such a petty competition?” A thought sprang to mind. Could it because of that time that she asked Lu Xun to attend, so now he was really attending because he had promised her? But then Qian Wei quickly denied her own guess. After all, for human beings, it was too easy to fall into ‘he looked at me, so he must care about me’ or ‘he smiled at me, so he must like me’ trap. It was one of the major illusions people would encounter in life. Qian Wei reminded herself that she shouldn’t delude herself into thinking that she had that much influence on Lu Xun.

Liu Shiyun shrugged: “To be honest, I didn’t do anything to persuade him. Last week Lu Xun suddenly came to me and said he wanted to sign up for this competition. It made me so happy. Did you know? Ever since I put up a banner saying that Lu Xun would participate, the girls in our law school began responding all over the place, and all of a sudden, a lot of people signed up! Now we just need a few more! You should come too! I’m begging you!”

Qian Wei couldn’t just beat Liu Shiyun to death to make her stop so she eventually agreed to sign up.

When she finally made it back to her dorm room, Qian Wei changed into her pajamas and was ready to settle down and watch some TV. But as soon as she turned her computer on, she heard the auntie downstairs yelling for her.

“Qian Wei! Someone’s looking for you!”

The voice was so loud that the Qian Wei trembled.

So Qian Wei changed her clothes and went downstairs full of curiosity, only to find that Lu Xun was the one standing outside the door. His hands were in his pockets and his head was down so his expression was hard to see. But even if he buried his head in the sand like an ostrich, Qian Wei was afraid that all the girls in the dorm would still recognize him just by his outstanding ass. Which was why all the girls walking by could not help secretly glancing at him as they passed him. Some of them even blushed when their concentration faltered.

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