Chapter 6

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After buying breakfast for Lu Xun in the canteen this morning, Qian Wei went back to sleep. She had been sleeping in the dormitory for a long time now, but she had not been able to sleep like this until she woke up naturally until now. After being reborn at nineteen, Qian Wei took a deep breath and reflected on how extravagant a happiness it was to sleep in.

"Although it is easy to overlook some of our own daily happiness, it's hard to realize how valuable it is until it's gone. For example, I have to cherish every second of the time when I am in bed like this."
"You're the only one who can make it sound so high-sounding." Liu Shiyun sounded quite disdainful, "Don't you think, Little Meng? We can't be like Qian Wei. We should go to bed early and so we can wake up early and grow up healthily."

"Little Meng" was Liu Shiyun's cactus. Who knows where she heard the theory that said that plants could also understand human nature. And if you keep chatting with plants to cultivate their feelings, the plants will grow better and even release a biological magnetic field that makes their caregiver more beautiful.

Qian Wei glanced over at Liu Shiyun who was looking down at the cactus with warm eyes and had no doubt that if it hadn't been for the thorns on the cactus, she would have hugged her "Little Meng"as affectionately as a mother.

"What time is it?"

Liu Shiyun looked at her phone and said, "It's ten o'clock."

Qian Wei got up and said, "I'm going to go take an elective course."

Liu Shiyun looked at her in amazement: "Are you alright? How dare you say you want to take an elective course? "

In the first semester of her sophomore year, Qian Wei only took the elective course Financial Management for College Students. The reason why she took this course was that she heard from one of the seniors that Mr. Zhang, who taught the course, never checked attendance - so you could safely skip the course - and it was not difficult to pass the final exam.

Qian Wei could not explain her sudden change so she ignored the question. She just checked the time and then hurriedly went to the supermarket downstairs to buy several large bags of food. She specially picked out snacks and then ran to the classroom after being stuffed with bags.

She remembered very clearly that Li Chongwen also took the elective Financial Management for College Students.

After running to the classroom she was out of breath, but fortunately, she arrived before class began. Qian Wei looked left and right and spotted Li Chongwen, who was sitting in the third row and quietly reading a book with a tranquil and beautiful profile. Li Chongwen was handsome and tall, and his body drew the eyes of many girls. But it was a pity that before long most of those eyes would move on to someone else.

Then Qian Wei suddenly saw Lu Xun walk in. In her last life, she had concentrated on skipping classes and had no idea that Lu Xun had taken this course.

Qian Wei stole a peek at Lu Xun and then looked at Li Chongwen. She had to say that although Li Chongwen's features were not as delicate as Lu Xun's, he was also very eye-catching within A University Law School, especially given his differences from Lu Xun. Lu Xun seemed cold, like an upright and lonely flower, while his appearance and aura projected a noble air. But Li Chongwen was more modest, he spoke often and did things gently and politely. He had the sense of a boy next door who was as warm and sunny. With features as smooth as jade. Qian Wei actually felt quite aggrieved for Li Chongwen. Although his character was tens of millions of times better than Lu Xun's, it was Lu Xun who was more popular and idolized by the girls. Maybe contemporary female college students all had Stockholm Syndrome?

Lu Xun walked into the classroom his posture straight and graceful, his beautiful face seeming to shine. Li Chongwen looked up and greeted him with a smile. Seeing that, Lu Xun finally had a faint smile on his face. He sat down on Li Chongwen's right side. There was an empty seat on Li Chongwen's left.

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