Chapter 74

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Qian Wei didn't expect Qian Chuan to find the door as soon as he went back to school.

"Qian Wei, do you know what Liu Shiyun likes to eat?"

"Hey? What's the matter?"

Qian Chuan coughed and coughed: "Yes, after you and Lu Xun left for the school celebration that day, Liu Shiyun invited me to have a good meal, and I thought, our old Qian family can't eat other people's food for nothing, why? If you say please come back too, come and go, right?"

"Then you can just ask her directly." Qian Wei was puzzled. "You don't have her number."

Qian Chuan sneered at Qian Wei's answer: "What kind of EQ is this? If I ask Liu Shiyun directly, there is no surprise at all."

"That's right." Qian Wei thought for a while. "She likes the sweet and sour taste of Thai food. She likes Tom Yum Goong soup the most."

Qian Chuan got the answer and finally left contentedly.When he left, Qian Weicai realized with hindsight, why should he be surprised?Don't you just have a meal?Why can't you just ask Liu Shiyun?

However, she didn't have time to think about it, because Qian Wei also wanted to be busy with some serious things.

Although Lu Xun's nonsense confidential information was fake in the room today in order to prevent his mother from entering the room, it is true that Lu Xun participated in the merger case.University law school teachers are allowed by the Lawyers Association to retain their own positions as university teachers, and they can also be part-time lawyers with a lawyer's certificate. The teachers of Law School A set up a law firm outside the school, and they will absorb a lot when they graduate. Outstanding students, the competition for admission to the law firm is very fierce. As a result, students are rarely selected to participate in law firm cases. Lu Xun can be selected. It can be said that the hard power is really very strong.In order to make a profit, this law firm will naturally accept some commercial legal cases, but also because of the feelings of being a university teacher at the same time, the law firm will also regularly accept many legal aid cases on the premise that it maintains a margin of operation. Qian Wei knows, Lu While working on this merger and acquisition case, Xun also participated in several legal aid cases and completed very well. Before listening to Liu Shiyun's talk, there were even migrant workers who had succeeded in asking for a salary with his help. The pennant came to him.

Although Qian Wei was not selected by the law, she still wanted to do something. Lu Xun was so good, she also wanted to be better, so she could stand with him with her head high.

Qian Wei opened the email and began to write a business project plan.

This matter has been deeply buried in her heart since the last law popularization activity.During the community law popularization, Qian Wei also received dozens of legal counselors. Although other students did not care, Qian Wei keenly discovered that the legal issues that he wanted to know about the community law popularization consultation were very concentrated. , One is marriage; the other is private lending; the other is housing lease.Although everyone's consultations are different and the specific facts involved are very different, there are actually common points in providing the final legal solution. In the end, many consultants actually need a contract template to prepare for divorce. A divorce agreement, especially a property division plan; private lenders need a loan contract that agrees on the amount, time, interest and defaults of the loan; renters need a lease with clear and fair rights and obligations between the lessee and the rented house contract.If once there is a corresponding contract template that includes the basic terms, then Qian Wei and the others can do more with half the effort when providing legal services. They only need to modify and add to the basic contract template for different people.

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