Chapter 21

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Fortunately, Qian Wei felt hungry so she worked hard and ate more than half of the pizza herself. On the other hand, Lu Xun, who had just said he wanted to eat pizza, spent most of his time holding a knife and fork and staring down at the pizza gloomily.

“By the way, where are we going next?” Qian Wei quickly shifted gears. Now that the two had finished their meal, they couldn’t just wait around in the restaurant. Even though many people came through here Qian Wei didn’t think there was much hope of running into Mo Zixin and Qian Chaun by just waiting. Of course, all the phone calls and text messages she sent to Qian Chuan were like stones dropped into a still lake, leaving nary a ripple. Qian Wei knew there was no way her brother would take the initiative to expose his plans.

“From what I know about Qian Chuan, I think he will take Mo Zixin to ride the roller coaster. After all, when riding a roller coaster, as long as the boy remains calm while everyone else is screaming, it will make him look brave and masculine. Meanwhile, if the girls gets frightened and they stumble off the roller coaster feeling headachy and dizzy, the boy will have a golden opportunity to show off his good qualities. He can act considerate, caring, and offer her comfort. Which will cause a surge of good feelings from the girl.” Qian Wei rolled up her sleeves. “It’s not too late though. Let’s hurry up and get in line for the roller coaster and we can probably catch Qian Chuan and Mo Zixin.”

“I don’t mind riding a roller coaster.” Lu Xun spoke leisurely. He glanced at Qian Wei. “But will you be ok?”

“Don’t worry about me! I can do it!”

“I’m not worried about you.” Lu Xun paused. “I’m worried about myself.”

Qian Wei felt excited. Since there would be no issues riding the roller coaster but Lu Xun was still worried for himself, it seemed that Lu Xun had finally begun to get into the right mindset to battle Qian Chuan.

Qian Wei patted her chest and comforted him: “Lu Xun, rest assured that with me here, Qian Chuan will never succeed! I will definitely destroy any hope of love between Qian Chuan and Mo Zixin!”

“I’m worried about you going on a roller coaster right after eating. Won’t you throw up on me again as soon as you get off?”

She should never get angry with her future boss, she should never beat her future boss! Qian Wei silently recited this mantra in her heart over ten times before she had finally adjusted her mood enough that she could smile while facing Lu Xun.

“You really should worry more about yourself.” Qian Wei felt like it was time to put some pressure on Lu Xun. “If you keep acting so leisurely, and Mo Zixin and Qian Chuan really get together, but you still keep chasing Mo Zixin, you will become a laughingstock of our college. A man trying to become the third party in someone else’s relationship is always reviled. Do you even still want your image?”

Lu Xun looked disdainful: “In love, there is no morality. It is completely meaningless to talk about image or about who came first in love. Thinking too much like that only shows that your feelings are not strong enough. If I, Lu Xun, like someone, then I will not give up even if I have to become the third party. As for my image? That kind of thing, can I eat it? What’s more important than chasing the person I like?”

Qian Wei really would like to record those words and play it back to Lu Xun ten years from now. Lu Xun, ah, Lu Xun, since you are so enlightened, why were you single silently for so many years after Mo Zixin was taken away by Qian Chuan? If you have the ability, you could become the third party and get her back, but you don’t! Was there anyone in the world who couldn’t talk a big game?

“Besides, for the person I like, I wouldn’t give her the chance to date anyone else.” Lu Xun added disdainfully, “I, Lu Xun, will never be reduced to being a third party.”

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