Chapter 73

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"Mom, don't clean up, you usually work too hard. I'll be here at this time." Lu Xun said nothing, and quickly blocked his mother's way with his body, and then took the things in her hand. She used her height advantage to completely block her sight of the trash can.

As a result, as soon as the trash can alarm was touched, Lu Xun's mother was about to reach out and open the door to his room.

Lu Xun hurriedly made three steps and two steps: "Hey, Mom, don't go in my room."

Lu Xun's mother's tone was very suspicious: "What's the matter?"

"I was working as an assistant for a teacher at the college recently. He took a merger and acquisition case. I kept the target company's information in the room. This case has a strict confidentiality agreement. No one can disclose these materials to anyone. Even unrelated laymen or family members can't do it." Lu Xun lied rightly, "You know, we must pay attention to professional ethics in the law business. Don't you always teach me to be cautious, even if I'm alone. When there is no other person's eyes to judge, you should also use the highest moral standards in your heart to ask yourself to obey the principles."

Don't talk about Lu Xun at this moment, it is Qian Wei in the room. A heart also mentioned his throat. Qian's only face was flushed with nervousness. These scenes are almost bloody like the original partner suddenly went home to catch the rape during the cheating. Xiao San, who finally ran away, how embarrassed he thought...

Fortunately, the two of them were relieved that Lu Xun's mother finally asked Lu Xun's unusual words and didn't ask anything, so she really loosened the door handle, and then turned back to the living room.

"What are you going to do later?"

Lu Xun was stunned, and subconsciously replied: "Now the rain is getting lighter, I will go back to school later." His heart is on Qian Wei in his bedroom, and the question to his mother at this moment is also The answer was rather absent-minded.

However, Lu Xun's mother didn't care, she smiled: "Mom came by car, and I will be heading to your school later, then I will take you to school."

How can this work? Go by yourself, what will Qian Wei do.

Lu Xun immediately refused: "No." He twisted bluntly, "I'm suddenly a little sleepy, I'd better take a nap here before leaving."

On weekdays, if Lu Xun said that, his mother would never wait for him. Lu Xun's mother is a lawyer and always believes that time is money. Usually, clients have to make appointments in advance.

However, today's mother Lu Xun is uncharacteristically uncharacteristically uncharacteristic. She smiled and looked very patient: "Mom is fine in the afternoon. Then you go to sleep. Mom will take you back to school when you sleep well."


"I remember that I still have books in the downtown library that I haven't returned. After I wake up, I will return the books before going to school."

"It's okay, I'll take you to the library, and we will go to school again after you return the book."

"..." Lu Xun changed his strategy, "Mom, you can do your job. I can do it myself. I never felt that you would spend less time with me because of your work. On the contrary, because of your working attitude, I have a good positive influence."

"Then mother will have to further positively influence you. A person must not only work seriously, but also pay attention to the family. Those who should spend time with their children must accompany them."

"..." It was Lu Xun who was also defeated in front of his mother. He was worried about Qian Wei, and finally ignored the logic and rationality of the excuses. He gritted his teeth, "Mom, I want to think very much today. Take the subway back to school."

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