Chapter 84

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By now the streets weren't as congested anymore so Lu Xun's black Bentley was able to quickly send Qian Wei to her destination. However, as Qian Wei packed up and got ready to get out of the car, it seemed that, to her surprise, Lu Xun was also preparing to get out.


Lu Xun's face was frosty, and he seemed to have no special expression as he replied calmly, "I also haven't eaten yet. Because I'm already here anyway, I decided to go in with you."

"Oh! Sure."

The way Lu Xun spoke was so natural that Qian Wei didn't realize what was wrong with his proposal before she had already agreed. Suddenly she wanted to say 'This is a blind date, okay? What are you doing here?!'. But by the time the thought even occurred to her Lu Xun had already casually walked up to the doors of the steakhouse, and it was obviously no longer an appropriate moment to try to kick him out.

After a moment of internal struggle, Qian Wei decided to just forget it. Anyway, she hadn't even wanted to go on this blind date in the first place, so why not just eat together? If there were one more person at the table then maybe the atmosphere wouldn't be as awkward.

Unfortunately, she had completely misjudged the situation because, moments after he sat down, Lu Xun had already turned the meal into a strangely aggressive interview.

"So you work in the financial industry? What exactly do you do? Nowadays there are many things that fall under the broad umbrella of 'finance', for instance, there were recently many illegal ventures that were busted who were operating while claiming to be a part of the financial industry. "

Zhou Qing was stunned by the sudden barrage of questions, but still replied politely, "I work mostly in the secondary market."

Lu Xun took a sip of his tea and raised an eyebrow: "Huh, I've heard the people who work in the secondary market are all terribly busy. Don't people of that line of work usually have to go out to promote their work to their clients five or six times a day, and then have to burn the midnight oil compiling their research materials until the middle of the night? Then they have meetings early in the morning, it's a busy career. Plus, whenever they come back to the office there will inevitably have been fluctuations in the stock prices and they have no choice but to get criticized by their bosses. It's really not easy."

Zhou Qing smiled and replied steadily: "I'm actually a very efficient worker and, also, I'm the kind of person who needs eight hours of sleep every day in order to function properly, so I usually take good care of my body and exercise regularly. I've never been the type to give up my life for the sake of work. And, until now, there have never been any issues with my work because of it. Also, I don't think I've ever really been criticized. After all, I was only poached from abroad with the promise of a very high salary, so my boss is always very polite to me for fear that I might decide to change jobs."

Lu Xun pursed his lips: "However, for people working in the secondary market, there is a risk of developing tinnitus from all the hours spent answering phones while at work. How are your ears? Do you want me to recommend you an excellent folk remedy for ear health that I know of? These things can really protect your hearing, you know. Maybe you don't feel that it's important to do since you're still young, but maybe one day in your 40s or 50s you might suddenly find yourself having to rely on shouting to communicate because you're hard of hearing. It's important to be careful while you're still young."

"I'm not too concerned. I rarely give my personal number to my clients, and most calls are fielded by my assistants."

It seemed that maybe Lu Xun and Zhou Qing had the two personalities that were destined to clash, because the two men continued to go back and forth like that, to the point that even the dull Liu Shiyun could sense the gunpowder in the air despite the good meal in front of her. The two men spent the meal fighting openly and secretly, as if they were in the midst of some sort of high stakes business negotiation about comparing their own valuations and growth potentials, leaving Qian Wei and Liu Shiyun to eat by themselves while battling boredom.

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