Chapter 46

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In the end, Qian Wei finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Well Tang Lu, you talk first! I just saw a nice guy over there who was very interested in me. I want to get acquainted! I'm leaving now!" As he said, he followed his finger in a direction. She thought to myself, I can't stand discussing Bach Mozart with you anymore!

Tang Lu was stunned, and then nodded at her with a smile. He now has Liu Shiyun in his eyes, and 80% of his hearts are longing for Qian Wei, the big light bulb, to leave on his own.

After leaving Tang Lu and Liu Shiyun, Qian Wei was also happy. The fraternity club used a cold meal model. Qian Wei simply walked to the table and grabbed a dinner plate and began to enjoy.

"Hello, my name is Wu Jun."

Just as Qian Wei eats Zheng Huan, a male voice rang behind Qian Wei.

Qian Wei turned around and saw the person coming. He was a boy about one meter and seven, wearing a pair of thick glasses like a beer bottle. The glasses had not been rubbed all the year round, and there was a suspicious oil on the border. Qian Wei could n't even see the eyes of the other party 's spectacles. Of course, the most conspicuous thing was his pair of ears, which is too great

"Ah? Hello, my name is Qian Wei."

The boy nodded rather restrainedly: "Since today is a fraternity, I will see it straight away because I do n't like to waste time. For everything, I like high efficiency. Since we want to fall in love, I do n't like turning. Let me tell you clearly. I prefer the gentle and generous girls who do housework. The most important thing is to be filial. My mother is not easy to pull the big one. I hope you are the kind of girl who takes care of others. In addition, I like girls to be a bit more professional, do n't rely solely on boys, without their own soul and opinion, but I do n't like girls who are too ambitious. Girls are better to do stable jobs like civil servants and teachers. Decent income is also okay, and you can still take care of your family under normal work pressure. "

Qian Weishi was a little puzzled: "This ... Excuse me, what does this have to do with me ..."

Wu Jun pushed his glasses: "You don't have to pretend anymore, I just heard that, I know you have an idea for me in your heart."

Qian Wei 😕 ? ?

Wu Jun tilted his mouth, smiled, and the tone was full of "You understand I understand everyone understands:" "I was just in that direction." He finished, pointing his finger at a corner on the left, " There was just me alone. "

Qian Wei looked in the direction he was pointing and almost fainted. That was the direction she just casually pointed out in order to get rid of Tang Law and Liu Shiyun ...

Qian Wei made a whisper in my heart. I just said very quietly just now. She glanced at the pair of conspicuous ears. Is it true that the ears are better for hearing? ? ?

"You don't have to be shy, I don't like routines. You just go straight and express your affection for me. I appreciate it." Wu Jun smiled and smiled, "I think we are quite suitable, you can go and see. "

Qian Wei scared again and again: "No, you made a mistake, I didn't want to fall in love, I don't think we are suitable, I am particularly unfilial, and I am very professional, and I have no other hobbies all day long. , Just thinking about making money, you see, my surname implies my life, for what, for money! "

Wu Jun pondered for a moment, just when Qian Wei thought he would retreat, he looked up again and made a huge sacrifice-like appearance: "It 's okay, I believe in you, as long as you like me, It can make changes for me, and I am willing to give you time to slowly become what I like.

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