Chapter 42

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Regarding Mo Zixin's sudden bombshell exchange with Qian Chuan, Qian Wei still had some indigestion. She was walking on the way back to the dormitory, thinking about how to explain to Lu Xun, she received Mo Zixin Phone.

"Qian Wei? Are you empty now? I'm preparing for a single rehearsal for a dance competition recently. I'm a little bit unsure about how I danced. If you have time, can you help me see? Can you help me see what can I do? improved."

Qian Weizheng wanted to find Mo Zixin. Of course, this was unreasonable: "I'm here, where are you?"

"I'm in the gym room 304 of the gymnasium. How long can you get there?"

"Give me ten minutes!"

Qian Wei hung up the phone, without a word, he walked towards the stadium. The practice room of 304 is on the third floor, and several activity rooms on the third floor are not open on weekdays. They are all used to prepare for the school 's activities in order to apply for borrowing. There are no idlers waiting.

However, the more Qian Wei walked down the corridor, the more she had a bad feeling ...

The scene in front of her gave her a familiar sense of deja vu ...

Sure enough, when Qian Wei walked to the door of the 304 practice room, he heard Mo Zixin's voice inside.


Qian Wei gently probed the probe. Inside the door of the practice room, at the end of the large floor-standing mirror, was a small open-air balcony. The glass sliding door was open, and the wind hulled the gauze curtain from the outside. Blowing up from the ground, Qian Wei's angle just saw Mo Zixin standing behind those gauze curtains. The 19-year-old girl, wearing a dancing gown, showed her good figure, and she stood so full, The sorry just now was her voice.

In addition to Mo Zixin on the balcony, there are others, but because of his own perspective, the person opposite Mo Zixin is hidden from the other corner of the balcony, and the other party is the object of Mo Zixin's "sorry".

This development ... this trend ... Qian Wei's heart suddenly became cold ...

Probably Qian Wei's voice gently pushing open the door disturbed Mo Zixin. She looked at the door very sensitively, and then saw Qian Wei, her face looked a little embarrassed and embarrassed, she barely smiled at Qian Wei Turned his head back.

"Lu Xun, I'm really sorry, but I'm already with Qian Chuan." Mo Zixin's voice was full of sorry, "You are very good, excellent, let alone our law school, the whole school, there are also many girls Like you, you will definitely meet a better girl than me. "Mo Zixin seemed afraid of embarrassment, so she spoke very quickly. She finished speaking in one breath and bowed her head a few times to apologize. If there is something left, I have to go first. "

After she finished, she no longer looked at the person opposite her, but wanted to escape the moment, Fei also walked out of the exercise room.

When she walked past the gate of the practice room, she shyly shook her face and raised her hand without daring to lift her head.

Qian Wei was dragged away from the exercise room by Mo Zixin, and when she reacted, the two were already in the small garden behind the gymnasium.

This small garden is a holy place for couples to walk at night, but during the day few people care about it. Qian Wei was held by Mo Zixin and walked along the path of Xiaohua. There was only one thought in his mind.

History is always surprisingly similar ...

Although it was not at this time in the previous life, what happened was very similar. Qian Wei also witnessed the scene where Mo Zixin rejected Lu Xun's confession. That was after Lu Xun and Mo Zixin had won the first place in the campus dance competition, the two of them would also represent the school in the A City University Student Dance Competition, probably Lu Xun felt that the two had practiced dancing for so long, it was time to express their heart However, when I confessed in the practice room where I continued to practice dancing together, I was tragically beaten by Waterloo, so it was probably to avoid embarrassment or other things. In short, the last two people continued to participate in the competition on behalf of the school. Inquiries about the fall in love, it's all gone.

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