Chapter 10

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Qian Wei, holding the vegetarian barbeque meal in her hand, sat at a table at the entrance of the canteen and waited for Lu Xun. Liu Shiyun stood beside her with two dark circles under her eyes, and while waiting she had yawned more than a dozen times. Lu Xun finally arrived slowly. He was wearing a beige jacket and khaki trousers, the kind of clothes that were worn by ordinary college students, but his face was really not ordinary at all. Two girls at a table nearby to Qian Wei's table were quietly talking about him.

"Well, that is Lu Xun, who serves as the living signboard of our law school. In the past, his photos and videos were used for publicity on the official website of our law school and as a result, the law major, a major that has the lowest employment rate across the country, was suddenly full of girls. You picked the right time to visit me today. It's rare to see him normally."

"How handsome! Really handsome! Compared with him the boys in my school are just weeds, they seem completely vulgar by comparison."

Qian Wei couldn't help rolling her eyes as she listened to their conversation. Those girls knew nothing. If they knew what the 28-year-old Lu Xun was called in the legal circle, they would understand what a 'Poisonous Beauty'* really was.

"Wait, he seems to be looking at us. He seems to be walking towards us!"

Lu Xun barely glanced at the two girls, before he went straight over to Qian Wei and Liu Shiyun and sat down. It was obvious that he had long been accustomed to this kind of overt attention and did not care about it.
But Qian Wei was not Lu Xun, she had always been an ordinary person, with average academic performance, ordinary family circumstances, ordinary hobbies, and mediocre performance at work. Now, because of Lu Xun sitting at her table, she suddenly felt many gazes from a lot of people. Even with Liu Shiyun by her side, she felt ill at ease.

Lu Xun glanced at Liu Shiyun before looking at Qian Wei, he said, "Is this a buy one get one free dinner with you? Did I ask her out?"

Qian Wei laughed and said, "It's for your own good. You see, there are many people in the canteen with curious eyes. If people see you eating alone with me, in ten minutes, there will be rumors that you and I are secretly dating. In another twenty minutes, there will be more than thirty witnesses on the school forum providing forty different versions of our love story." She pulled Liu Shiyun beside her. "But if I take my friend with me like this, we won't be eating alone, and it won't create a rumor."

"You're so well informed. Do you know who all the people I've been 'secretly dating' before?"

"I know." Liu Shiyun replied, "The ones rumored to be secretly dating you are Cai Xinxin, the department flower of the Broadcast Host Department, Chen Jiameng, the goddess of the Medical Department, and the famous tea ceremony girl among the freshman at the School of Civil Engineering. But it is said that the one you really like is Mo Zixin, the flower of our law school."

Lu Xun glanced at Qian Wei and then smiled faintly and said nothing.

"..." Qian Wei thought to herself, does that look mean that even if the people see us eating together, they wouldn't spread a rumor about you dating me? Are you making a joke of me right now? But then the irony is, even though you want to satirize me, why are you still so silent right now? Seeing that you are my future boss, I will put up with it!

Enduring the humiliation, she took the vegetarian barbecue meal that she had in her hand to Lu Xun: "Then you eat here slowly, I'll leave ahead of you!"

But since when was Lu Xun so easy to deal with? He raised his eyebrows and said, "Is this all there is to eat?"

Qian Wei was a little speechless. She knew she had bought enough, because after working for him for so long, she was well aware of Lu Xun's eating habits. He usually did not eat large portions and the breakfasts he ate were especially small. So she had bought breakfast entirely in accordance with the 28 year old Lu Xun's habit. How could she have known that the 19 year old Lu Xun obviously had a strange skeleton that caused a huge appetite...

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