Chapter 27: i dont understand

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Violet PoV

"Wh-what?" I turned sharply and saw Fili standing there, with a heartbroken look on his face. "F-Fili I-" I said scrambling to my feet. "You sold your like...and you won't be breathing long after the battle?! What does that mean!" He said angrily and confused. "Fili please was so Thranduil won't fight against you all." I said. "I'm telling Thorin." He said before storming off. "Fili no!!!!" I screamed running after him. He looked at me terrified, "this is NOT something I will hide from the others. There is no convincing me otherwise." He said before he continued. I clung to his arm crying as he approached Thorin in front of the company. I pulled his arm. "Violet sold her life." Fili said causing every dwarf to stand. "What..." Balin asked. "She sold her life to Thranduil so he wouldn't fight against us." Fili said. "Ye don't think we can take care of our selfs? And defend ourselves?" Dwalin and Gloin asked. "N-no...I know you can..." I choked our backing away. "Violet..." Thorin said. I watched him remove all his Armor, leaving him in normal clothing. "We must speak." He said. I said nothing but sprinted away. I could hear him running after me, that was most likely why he removed his heavy armor, so he could run faster. I rounded corners though my vision was burry from tears forming in my eyes. Before I could think I rammed into a toned chest as I rounded a corner and felt two muscular arms holding me tightly. I froze...and gave in, it was Thorin, I knew it was. He knew these halls better than I ever hope too. He was able to cut me off. I hugged his middle and cried into his chest. I could hardly breath let alone speak.

Thorin POV

I held Violet tightly, I wanted to speak but I knew I wouldn't get an understandable response. I felt her delicate hand gripping my shirt tightly, and her tears against my chest. I couldn't think, or feel...not after what Fili said.

"Violet sold her life, she sold her life to Thranduil so he wouldn't fight against us."

Violents wailing stopped but her breathing was still very much off.

((Okay until I say so, The way Violet is talking right now is like when your crying hysterically and you can't breath so your speech is super jumpy and like your gasping for breath with each word))

"Violet..." I said quietly. "Y-yes." She said, she sounded as though her lungs where collapsing in her chest. "Was what Fili said true?" I asked. I tried to keep within one word answers to make it easier for her. "Y-ye-yes" she replied. I was speechless...I couldn't form any response. "I don't understand..." I said quietly. "I-I don't k-know how to exp-plain it." She said, her voice was jumpy and out of breath, it concerned me. " Violet alright?" I heard a familiar hobbit speak up. "No...maybe you should speak to her. I need to think." I said quietly. Suddenly Violet looked up at me with eyes screaming to stay...but I couldn't. I let her go and felt her hands grabbing my arms so I wouldn't leave. I stood and watched her grip tighten. "Why would you do that Violet." I said. "I-I d-don't know...I-I didnt think it would matter." She stuttered. "Why? You don't think your life matters? That it holds no value to some people?" I asked. She said nothing but nodded her head and looked at the ground. I could see her tears dripping to the floor. " have thirteen dwarves here that would give their own lives to protect you. Your life holds serious value...especially to Bofur and I." I said, I slightly growled Bofur's name. I couldn't believe I was truly seeing Violet fall apart, her hair was a mess, it was as though she was holding onto me to keep from falling. "I did it to keep Thranduil from fighting against you." She whimpered. "Why would you think your life would get him to back down?" I asked. "He's wanted me dead for years...I never do anything to give him reason too..." She said. I watched her take a keep breath before she ran to me and hugged me around my middle once again. "I still don't understand." I said. "Your lives are more valuable than mine." She simply said. "No...they aren't." I said.

Violet POV

I held onto Thorin as tight as possible, scared if I loosened my grip in the slightest he would leave. "Violet...I-I..." I heard Thorin's voice growing shaky. I suddenly felt him tremble. I looked up and saw him looking straight ahead, his eyes where watery and there where traces of tears. "N-no please don't cr-" I started but he pulled me hard to his chest, his face buried in my shoulder. His body was larger and strong compared to me, my shoulder with was the with of his chest. I felt my heart pounding in anxiety that I couldn't feel him, my armor was blocking me. I proceeded to push him off before I franticly removed my armor. Taking it off was easier than putting it on. After I took off the last piece I ran back to Thorin who didn't hesitate to hold me tighter than before. I could feel him warmth against me, the chill I had in my body was gone. "Don't leave me. I won't let him take you." Thorin said holding me tightly. " If you ever think for one second I will let you go without a fight...youve never been more wrong." He choked and growled. Hearing his crumbled and broken voice made my heart shatter. I made a mistake...a horrible mistake. I sighed and rested my head against his chest, taking in his very being for as long as I can.

Thranduil POV

I sat in my tent quietly, I couldn't get the vision of Violet asking me to kill her out of my head. I felt my heart ache for my wife's child. She looks like her...her eyes are like hers, as well as her skin and physic. The only dwarvish thing about her was her height. "Are you going to do it?" I heard Bard's voice as he entered the tent. "What?" I asked. "The girl. Are you going to do what she asked...take her life?" He asked. "Violet. Her name is Violet....and I don't know." I said standing and pouring Bard and I glasses of wine. "It's sad...when a young girl resents her life so much she begs for it to be taken." Bard said taking s drink. " is." I said. "Why did you want her dead?" He asked. I looked at him and took a breath before sitting. "She is not my child...she is my wife's....and a dwarfs." I said. He half laughed, "well that explains why she isn't as beautiful as an elf." He said. "HOLD YOU TONGUE!" I yelled throwing my glass to the ground. "She has elvish beauty to outshine all! How dare you speak of her as though she looks like a dwarf." I spat. He had a panicked look. "I apologize...immensely." Bard said. "Why are you so defensive if she's not even yours?" He asked. "Violet...and Legolas...are all I have left as living and breathing proof of my wife. Though she is not mine...Does not mean I do not...recently care for her." I said stiffly. "Wait...recently? Your growing to care for her?" Bard asked. "I cared for her before, though my father affection was very slight. Though hearing her speak of how she wished I could be a father to her...caused them to grow." I said. "She sounded true...speaking of you and sounds as though her father treats her poorly." He said as he poured me another glass of wine. "Yes...and an brutal punishment will be in order for him harming a princess in the Mirkwood bloodline." I said. "Oh...I suppose she is a princess since she's your wife's." He said. I nodded, "yes, she is." I said sharply. "I take it you don't plan to take her life?" He asked. "No....I plan to mend it. I do not wish to see my own daughter crumbling and begging for death." I said quietly, it broke my heart...seeing someone with my wife's beauty and grace...pray to not wake up. "Though she has stated she is in love with the gold blinded dwarf...I do believe he loves her." I said. "What makes you think that?" Bard asked. "They way he would look at her while he was in my kingdom when she was not looking. Thorin Oakenshield has his moments of stupidity...though I know when dwarves fall in love...they do not fall out of it, like she said he would." I said. Bard nodded, "yes...the way he looked at her while they where all with me when they first visited Laketown was that of love, and jealously because she was sitting with another dwarf...that which I do not know the name of." He said. I grinned slightly, "I don't blame you, they all look the same." I said. He smiled and laughed. "Well, how are you planning on telling her you won't take her life?" Bard asks. "That I have not figured out yet....however one of the reasons I am not doing is is for Legolas." I said. "He cares greatly for her, i will not take away his only sister." I said. Bard nodded, "maybe if you mend your broken relationship with Violet, you can all be a family." Bard said. I looked at him then to my wine, "yes...maybe." I said taking a sip.

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