Chapter 50: Unknown roads

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*one month time skip*

Violet POV

I rode quietly on my pony mindlessly braiding her mane. "Violet," Gandalf spoke. "Hm? Yes?" I asked looking forward at the wizard. "How long are you going to keep mourning your having to leave Thorin's side?" He asked. "Yes, you are going back to him." Bilbo said. I smiled. We had been on the road for a few months was rough at first...however I quickly adapted to the road with only Bilbo and Gandalf, as well as not being around dwarves constantly. "Oh I'm alright, pretty content actually." I said with a smile. "Wha...really?" Bilbo asked. I nodded, "I know Thorin and I will be together again, I am well aware of this and looking forward to it." I said before I nudged my horse as our destination came into view. Rivendell. "I'm gonna ride ahead!!!" I yelled back with a laugh. They nodded and smiled as I rode on towards the beautiful elven city, though it's intense beauty couldn't keep my depressed heart at bay.

Thorin POV

I sat in my throne going in and out of focus as I listen to a man from Dale drone on about something about taxes....for the seventh time. I glanced to my side and wished Violet was there, with a snappy thought in her mind about this never ending complaining. "Alright, we will reduce the taxes once more and that is it. We have done this seven times now Mr. Guniss, I will not do it again." I said as he finished. "There shouldn't be tax-" "let me stop ye there laddie, there must be taxes on items coming from Erebor sold to the people of Dale, we pay our taxes when buying form your people without a single complaint, it's only fair you do the same." Dwalin said cutting him off. The man frowned, "fine. Thank you however for your cooperation King Thorin." He said bowing to me. I nodded to him as he turned and left. "Can I just hit him if he comes again?" Dwalin asked. I smirked and nodded. "Be my guest." I laughed as I stood. My smile faded and I quieted down. Suddenly Dwalins hand slapped onto my shoulder, "You know, Violet and the others should be reaching Rivendell soon. If your so desperately missing her why don't ye send her a letter?" He said. My eyebrows raised. "Maybe...I don't see how it would get to her before they left." I said. "Well, worth a try." Dwalin said. "Aye, I'll do it later." I said before turning and walking away elsewhere.

I walked out to the balcony, looking out over Dale, my mind flashed back to Violet cutting down orcs trying to get to me on the battle field that bloody day. I felt my heart ache slightly and I shook my head and walked away. "Thorin! Your needed in the armory." One of the guards yelled from a ways down the hall. I sighed and followed him with no questions. As I entered my eyes settled on something that broke my head....Violets armor...was gone! "Sir?" The soldier asked looking at what I was. " ARMOR?!?!" I bellowed furiously. "W-we don't know we brought you here to ask if you had moved it." He said panicked. "Thorin I've looked everywhere for it, it's not here." Dwalin said coming behind me. "Did Violet take it?" I asked looking at him. "No. She didn't, I went over what she was taking with her when she left." Balin said behind me. "Who else has had access to the armory in the last." I said. My eyes darted to mine, and I growled furiously. "WHERE IS THE BUCKLE OF MY ARMOR?!?!?!?" I yelled ((belt buckle he wears throughout the movies)). "Oh, Violet took that." Balin said. "What? Why?" I asked. Dwalin shrugged. "She took a few things if yours." Balin said. "What did she take?" I asked. "Armor buckle, your fur coat you wore throughout our journey....I think that's all." He said. I sighed, "alright. However we need to find Violets armor. I will not let this go. I do not plan to go to her and have to tell her her specially made armor was missing though to be quite honest I'd be lying if I said I didn't take one of her things as well. I sighed irritatedly and went off to question others about the missing set of armor.

After a long while of absolutely no progress I walked back to my bedroom, frustrated and my brain racking thinking of who took it. I sat down on my bed, my back in pain and my heart hurting. I looked over my shoulder at where Violet used to sleep, curled up hugging the pillow, hair spread out everywhere. I sniffed quietly and ran my fingers through my hair. "I miss you so much...." I said my breath shaky. I leaned down, my forehead in my palms...small tears falling down my eyes every now and then. I sighed and stood, stripping my clothes down to my underwear and laying down in my bed, my arm spread out to Violets side...wishing I could feel her warm body underneath it.

Violet POV

I looked out of the beautiful window of my room in the elven valley. I could see waterfalls flowing down into the valley and birds flying by. I flinched hearing a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I called out. "Bilbo." He said. "Oh, come in." I said. The door opened and the hobbit quietly shuffled in. "You okay? You haven't come out of your room since we got here." He said sitting on my bed. "Sorry, I don't really feel like socializing..." I said. "Hey," he said. I turned around and saw him pulling Thorins belt buckle out of my bag. "Isn't this Thorins?" He asked. "Oh, yeah....I took it. I took his coat too." I said with a small smile. "Well, whatever helps you sleep at night." He said with a grin. "It does." I said pulling his coat out of my other bag. "I'm so mad, I think I left my sweater I the mountain but I was sure I packed it." I said. Bilbo laughed, "maybe Thorin took it." He said. I grinned, "I'm sure." I said sarcastically. "Well, I just wanted to make sure you were alright." He said standing. I sighed, "I don't really know if I am or not..." I said. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I don't feel whole without Thorin. I feel like I have this gaping hole in my chest now...before I had even met him I felt that hole. Though he managed to fill it when we were first here with the company...and now...I just feel empty." I said. "Oh Violet...don't worry, you will have him back again. I'm sure he feels as empty as you do." Bilbo said placing a hand on my back. "I doubt it...he's way to emotionally strong for that." I said. "Are you kidding me?" Bilbo asked sarcastically. "What?" I asked. "Oh, nothing. Look Violet, I understand it's hard right now being away from someone you love so dearly, but I will be here for you. I promise I won't let you be alone okay?" He said. I looked into the hobbits kind eyes. I felt my eyes water before I lunged over and hugged him. "Thank you" I said hugging tighter. He hugged me gently and let me go. "I was wondering....could I....stay with you until Thorin comes for me?" I asked looking at him. "What? I thought you wanted to get a new home." He asked. "I don't want to do that without Thorin...and I don't want to go into my old one without him..." I said sheepishly looking down at my hands. "Of course you can stay with me Violet, it's no trouble at all. It will be nice having someone to live with." He said. I smiled at his kind words as he stood. "Well, Lord Elrond said that if you should get hungry soon, the kitchen is open for you to get whatever you wish." He said. I nodded, "alright, goodnight Bilbo." I said. He nodded to me, "goodnight" he said as he shut my door. I sighed and looked at Thorins coat beside me before I felt my emotions come crashing down and I hugged it close to me. The smell of Thorin lingered deep within the fabric, making my heart ache more. "Thorin w-why did you make me do this?!" I cried into the fur." I cried. I could almost hear his voice in my head, telling me we would meet again, and our love will be reunited. "Please....please let those words be true...I miss king under the mountain." I whispered, the soft furs of his coat soothingly rubbed against my cheek damp from tears. I looked out of my window from my place on my bed, out over the valley and so far as I could not tell what was ahead. All I knew now was my life never truly began until I stepped out of bag end to reclaim the lonely mountain from a dragon...though life and events it carried were leading me on roads unknown. There was no telling what lied ahead...all I hoped was for once in my life, everything would turn out okay.

The End to book 1: The Quiet One

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