Chapter 49: We will be together again

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Violet POV

I felt myself awakened by what I'm not so sure. I opened my eyes and allowed them to adjust just enough to give me vision to light the candle beside the bed. I looked beside me and saw Thorin's side of the bed empty. "....Thorin?" I called out receiving no answer. "Huh...where did he go?" I muttered to myself as I slid out of the bed, grabbing my silk robe that Dis had given me as a gift. I wrapped it around myself and wandered into the hall. It had to be near three in the morning. Nobody was away spare a few extremely late workers wandering about. I saw a dwarfish man with a pick axe going across the hall. "Excuse me!" I said running towards him, gaining his attention. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Why lady Violet, what are you doing up at this hour?" He asked kindly. "Have you seen Thorin?" I asked crossing my arms. "Oh, he's down in the ale cellar." He said. 'Ale cellar?' I thought. "Where is that?" I asked. "Go down that flight of stairs to the bottom, then go left and there's a large wooden set of double doors, through there." He said with a grin and a nod. "T-thank you!" I said running off down the stairs. After the many, many, many, many...many........oh so many stairs I finally reached the bottom. I glanced down the hall and saw saw two double wooden doors. "Set of double doors. Alrighty then." I muttered to myself as I walked towards them. Before I opened, I found a small window on each. As I glanced through I indeed saw Thorin with his head down on a table inside, bottles surrounding him. He wasn't easy to get drunk, not in the the amount of cups around him didn't really worry me. I slowly and quietly pushed open the door, making him jump. "Who is it?" He growled. "T-Thorin..." I said. Suddenly he stood up fast, looking right at me. "What are you doing up?" He asked confused. "Well...I woke up and you weren't there...and I got worried." I said looking down at the ground. I heard him sigh as he walked himself towards me. I felt his hand on my shoulder before he pulled me to him, hugging me close. I could smell the ale on him. "Don't...d-dont worry about me." He said, his voice was somewhat jumpy. I pushed him off gently and looked at him. His eyes were watering. "T-Thorin why are you crying?!" I asked looking at him utterly confused and scared, not used to seeing his tears. "Violet..." He whispered. "Y-yes?" I asked. "I...I'm having a hard time." He said. "You and me both..." I whispered looking down at the floor. "No, you don't understand how this weighs down on me." He said. I looked at Thorin sadly, "at least you don't have to leave your home." I said, pausing for a moment. Suddenly he looked at me, dead in the eyes. "V-Violet...this isn't my home without you here! All it feels like is a rock with Jewels and bad memories." He said looking away and walking back to his seat, sitting down. I sighed and walked behind him, wrapping my arms around his chest, resting my chin on his shoulder. "What about the memories of your friends and loved ones being able to return to their rightful home? What about seeing the gorgeous halls of Erebor alive again?" I asked as I walked around him, sitting myself in his lap. I cupped his cheek gently. "What about taking your rightful place as King? Getting to see your nephews faces every day, beaming with happiness that they are once again with their mother, and living in the very mountain their beloved uncle told so many stories to them about?" I asked looking into his eyes. I noticed his eyes that made my heart pound like a jack rabbit looking right at me. "I love you." He whispered.

Thorin POV

I ran my hand gently over Violets silky hair, down to run over her arm, her warm skin comforting me. Her beautiful eyes that made my breath hitch stared back at me lovingly. "I love you." I whispered. As soon as my words ended her eyes waters. "I-I love you t-too..." She said wiping her eyes quickly. I grinned slightly...I've come to know Violet quite well...well enough to know these were tears of joy, if only seen them once before, before we even became as close as we where now. I had earned her trust, that was as far as I had gotten

*flash back*

I carefully watched over my company as they all say peacefully chattering around the fire, eating happily. I looked over my shoulder before completely turning to look over the vast plains from out spot on a covered rock. "You okay?" I jumped slightly hearing the sudden girlish voice. I turned my head and saw Violet holding a bowl of stew in her hand. "This is for you, I got you some before Bombur could go back for fourths." She said with a small smile as she lifted it towards me. I grinned and nodded to her, "that was very kind" I said taking it. "Well, thanks..." She said biting her sleeve and rocking back and forth on her feet. "How are you?" I asked. I received a surprised look and a shiver in reply and snickered, "cold?" I asked. She shrugged, "well you aren't very close to the fire." She asked hugging herself. I nodded and handed her the bowl before walking over to my pack. I grabbed a jacket I had yet to use and wrapped it around her shoulders, taking my bowl to allow her to pull it the rest of the way on. "Wow...this is really warm, thank you!" She said smiling as she hooked the buttons on it. "Never knew you were a button guy." She giggled. I grinned before it was quickly wiped away at the sound of an orc screech. Her eyes darted up, looking around before she ran to her own pack where her sword laid. The rest of the company darted up in alert all arming themselves as the screeches continued. "Bofur! Ori! Take Violet and Bilbo and hide!" I ordered. "What?! I don't want to hide!" Violet argued. I growled and pulled my sword out and pointed it towards her. "You will do as I say with no questions am I clear?!!" I growled with venom practically dripping from my tone. "Y-yes sir...I'm sorry!" She said grabbing Bilbo's hand and running after Bofur to go and hide. I gripped my sword as I began to hear wargs paws slamming to the ground.

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