Chapter 34: To the king

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Violet PoV

We all stood and looked at Thorin. "Thorin, you know we will always follow you." Dwalin said. I nodded in agreement. Thorin smiled, "then, let's break down this wall." He said. The dwarves cheered and I froze. "Wh- break it down? How?! You can't break that down!" I asked running after them. "Don't underestimate dwarves my love, we built it, we will tear it down." Thorin said taking my hand. I blushed at him calling me his love...but for the fact of this not being the time to become flustered over the handsome kings words...I ignored it. I listened in on the dwarves arguing about who was going to tie something to what, the issue being how high they had to climbs. "I'll do it, if someone tells me what I'm doing." I said stepping up. Thorin looked at me before walking to me. "Alright Violet, take this rope." Thorin said handing me a rope. "I want you to climb to the top of that statue," he said pointing to a large gold dwarf statue. "Tie it around its body, make sure it will not come undone." He said. "On it." I said before running towards the statue. I held the rope in my teeth while I scaled the stone wall beside the statue. Once I got higher than it, I stopped. "A-are you going to ju- VIOLET!!!!!" I heard Thorins concerned scream as I leaped from the wall and managed to barely grab onto the statues shoulder. I pulled myself up, slipping and falling back, though still keeping a strong grasp not letting myself fall. All while scaring the utter shit out of the dwarves. "I-im fine!" I muffled. I pulled myself up and scrambled onto the statues shoulder. I spit the rope out. "Alright how do you want me to do this?" I yelled. "Loop it around some how!" Kili yelled. I nodded. "Can one of you somehow get to the waist??" I asked. Kili then ran and jumped onto the statue, holding onto it. I wrapped the long rope around the neck then threw it down to Kili, who took it and it and held onto it while I climbed down to his height. He tossed it to me on one side and I tossed it back on the other. We did this then I climbed back up and he threw it up to me so I could tie it off securely. "Alright! We're all good!" I said smiling. I began climbing down until my foot escaped me and I slipped off the statue. I let out an ear piercing scream "VIOLET!!!!" I heard the entire company yell. I screamed until I landed in two tight arms. I was hugged tightly, it was Thorin. "Never scare me like that again!" He whispered holding me so tight it was starting to hurt my bruises and cuts. "Thorin....Thorin your hurting me." I squeaked. He let go and looked at me. "And don't worry~ I have a handsome king to save me! I'll be alright." I giggled. He sighed and looked at Dwalin before nodded. All the dwarves began pulling the other end of the rope. I stood back as Thorin joined them. I watched as they all managed to pull the statue up, hanging it in the air. "How do they even lift something like that..." I whispered. "And how has that rope not snapped?" I asked. "That's a wonderful question lass." I jumped hearing Balin beside me. "Wh- where did you come fr-" I asked startled. "Violet, come here." I heard Thorin say. I looked at him before climbing down from the rock I was on. I made my way over to him and he pulled me into a private tunnel. "Violet, I want you to stay near Kili, Fili, Dwalin, or I during the battle alright?" He said. I nodded, "I was planning too anyways..." I said quietly. "Good, please...please be careful. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you, my beloved Violet." He said pulling me close and pressing his lips to my forehead. "Don't worry Thorin...we're going to be okay...and we're going to win this. I just know it." I said with a small grin. He grins and nods to me. Suddenly we hear a loud horn signal from the orcs. "Their sending more in." I said quietly. "As are we." Thorin said. I looked at his face, his kingly confidence and focus. "Thorin, we're ready." Dwalin said. Thorin did not hesitate to lead me back to the company. "BOMBUR!" Thorin yelled. Suddenly Bombur blows into a massive horn, erupting a mighty sound. "Now!" Thorin yelled. We looked as Kili, Fili, Balin, Bofur, Bifur, Dori, and nori all released two ropes, holding the large statue back, allowing it to swing forward, crashing into the gate, knocking it down entirely. "NOW!!!!" Thorin bellowed, his sword in hand as we all ran towards the now opened gate. I ran with Fili by my side, beside Thorin who was leading us. I ran with my sword gripped tightly in my hands. As we emerged from the mountain, we saw all the dwarfish warriors running to us. "TO THE KING! TO THE KING!!!" Dain yelled. "DU BEKÂR!!!" Thorin bellowed in Kuhdzul. We ran fast as the entire dwarfish army wedged themselves behind us, following us into battle. As we drew closer, so did the Orcs. Without a second though I raised my sword and sliced through the orcs that approached, we quickly broke through the orc ranks.

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