Chapter 14

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A/n- hello loves! i've finally finished editing the story — for those who have been waiting, please ⚠️reread from chapter 9!⚠️ i have edited the entire story but the only plot changes have been made from there! plot changes meaning >> you are now the guardian of spring, not fall! thank you all for your patience mwah mwah i love you


You sat in a small bedroom, looking at your hands. Due to literally being born a few hours ago, North happily gave you a place to sleep at the Workshop. Jack, who had rarely ever wanted to leave Burgess except for when the guardians needed him, had asked for a room next to yours, and was now asleep a door down.

"A guardian?" You whispered, pursing your lips together, "I don't even know who I am."

You stood up, gingerly standing in front of the long mirror next to your bed. You tried to straighten out your (f/color) pull over, but it was blotched with dirt and tears. You sighed, kicking off your combat boots and pulling off your snow-drenched socks. You began to dig through the drawers and armoire for spare clothes, only being able to find sheets, books, and an overly large pair of pajama pants. You huffed in defeat, before looking at your door.

Maybe Jack has something to lend me.

As soon as you opened your door, Jack stood with a hand raised, ready to knock. You raised an eyebrow at him and he only chucked. "Hey."

"Hi." You mused, looking away and sniffling, "I, uh...I was coming to ask if you had any extra clothes." You laughed softly as you gazed at your ruined clothes, "I'm kind of trashed."

Jack nodded, gesturing for you to follow him. You couldn't help your eyes from wondering around his room. It had clearly been for him even before your arrival, noting the various customized decorations and belongings. Your attention snapped back to Jack as he held up a blue hoodie, scratching his neck. "This is kinda all I wear."

You smirked, grabbing the articles of clothing, "I love the diversity." He barked a laugh, moving to take a step closer to you before rethinking the decision and staying in place. It was silent as you both stared at each other until you spoke, "Can you tell me about me?" Jack beamed, opening his mouth but you stopped him. "Not all that, she was smart, she was pretty stuff. I-" You swallowed, "Who was I."

Jack furrowed his eyebrows as he thought of an answer and you moved to take a seat at the edge of his bed. He flew to your side as you sat down, eyes never leaving his. "You were (Y/n) (L/n)." You scowled at him and he chuckled. "You had a little brother named Jamie...he adored you. So much." Jack licked his lips, continuing, "Your father wasn't around much, and you never spoke about him. But boy, your mom-she loved you and your brother more than anything."

A lump formed in your throat, and you quickly cut Jack off. "How are they."

He ran a hand through his air, not meeting your eyes. "Jamie is...he isn't speaking to me."


"He blames me for not saving you." Jack finally looked up at you, tears rushing down his face, "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you." He whispered, "I-If I- If I hadn't-"

"Hey, hey." You choked down a sob as your hands cupped his face, "You couldn't have known."

"If I hadn't taken you on that walk-"

"Jack." You snapped, digits brushing his tears away, "You couldn't have known." Before you could say anything else you were wrapped up in his arms, his face buried in the nape of your neck. He mumbled something incoherent, but you just kept brushing your fingers through his silver hair.

After a few moments he pushed away, wiping his face, "Wow, sorry." He chuckled, face dusting with a blush. "You should get some rest." You smiled, thanking him for his jacket before standing. As you moved to leave the room, he shot from his place on the bed, hand grasping yours. You sent him a perplexed look as he quickly pulled away, cursing under his breath, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I just-"

"-Want me to sleep here?"

Jack sucked in a breath, "I can't ask you to do that, it's your first night-"

"-Jack," You grinned, "I'd rather not be alone right now, either."

"Right." He looked down, fiddling with his hands as you excused your self from the room to change. When you returned, dressed in the pajama pants that were a few sizes to big for you and Jack's pullover, Jack was in the same spot as before. His eyes met yours, giving you a full look before smirking slightly. "You look great in my sweater."

You rolled your eyes at his comment, shoving him to scoot to the other side of the bed as you crawled in. With the lights off, you fell into comfortable silence. In your head you argued with yourself with whether you should cuddle against him or not. And right next to you, Jack debated the same thing.

"Screw it." You whispered, turning over to face him, grabbing his side and pulling him closer to you. Jack's eyes shot open, his red face matching yours as one arm wrapped around your waist and the other rested above your head, running through your hair. Your hands curled onto his chest and you sighed, "Thank you."

"For what." He murmured.

"I don't know." You chuckled softly, "But being here next to you makes me feel safe." One eye peeped opened to stare at Jack, "As safe as someone who lost all of their memory can feel."

He snorted at your words, but only respond by pressing his lips to your forehead. "I missed you."

My Guardian / Jack Frost x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now