Chapter 4

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"(Y/n), hello? You awake?" You jumped at the sound of your friends voice and a snap to your ear, meeting her glare.

"What?" Your nose wrinkled, and Molly huffed.

"Please don't tell me your thinking about him." She whispered, her eyes narrow. You sighed happily, your cheek falling into your palm. "Geez, girl, you are!"

"Am not." You said softly, blinking a few times to try and leave your daze.

"Are too." Molly crossed her arms, leaning back in the chair. You both sat in the library during free period, and you were suppose to be finishing notes before Physics class.

"And if I am?" You hummed, picking up your pen and continuing to copy notes from your tablet.

"Then I'll have to tell you again," She relaxed into the chair, "I don't like him and neither should you."

You giggled, "That's cute, really." You looked up at her, smiling, "But I don't think you have the rights to tell me who I can and cannot like, Mom."

Molly sighed, "Fine. But I know you sensed his narcissistic-ness. I don't think that's the best thing you need."

Your hand tightened on the pen in your hold, "And what gives you the idea Keith is a bad guy?"

Molly's eyes flickered from you to your knuckle, which were slowly whitening, "I'm telling you..." She paused, looking down before sighing, "Nothing. Just carful around him."

Your grip loosened as your friend slowly began cleaning up her books, "I need to run to the office to pick up a new ID, I'll see you next period." She sent you a small smile before walking off, "See you."

You tapped your fingers against the table. "Maybe she's right." You mumbled.

"Right about what?"

You jolted at the voice behind you, swiftly turning around to become face to face with the hazel eyes you met earlier. Forgetting everything Molly told you, you instantly melted, "H-Hey."

Keith grinned at you, "Hello." He gestured to the chair next to you, "Mind if I take a seat?" You furiously shook your head, causing him to laugh and sit to the seat nearest to you. "How have you been?" He rested his chin in his hand, sending you a smirk.

"Great! Great, yeah-I-I great can I be in school? But yeah-I've been great." You stuttered, fidgeting in your seat. Keith laughed, and it was warm and cheerful, you couldn't help but sigh. "A-and you?"

"I couldn't be any better than I am around you." He leaned closer, running his tongue over his teeth before smiling at you. His hand rested on the chair you sat on, his finger slightly brushing your inner thigh.

Your face became a dark shade of red, but you cleared your throat and rolled your shoulders back, "Is that so?" You mused.

Keith seemed a bit shocked at your reaction, and his cheeks tinted a slight hue of pink. He leaned back, scratching his nape before looking back at you with a grin that made your stomach turn. "Can I walk you to class?"


You ran through the door, it slamming behind you as you raced up the stairs, your squeal never ceasing. You reached your room and threw your bag down, spinning in a circle before jumping onto your bed and screaming.

"You seem happy." A voice hummed from the corner, and you jumped. You turned to see Jack sitting on your window sill, smirking at you.

"Ew. You're here." You sat up, glaring at him, "Why?"

Jack huffed, "Not even a 'hello'? Wow, Princess. How kind of you."

"Hello." You said in a monotone voice, "Why are you here?"

"You're not happy to see me?" He sighed, jumping off the window sill and falling onto your bed, resting on his back as he watched you.

"You're avoiding my question." You rolled your eyes, "Why are you-"

"-Because I wanted to see you." Jack snapped, "Gosh."

Your eyes widened in shock, before you smirked, "Are you blushing?"

Jacks sat frozen before he rolled over, his back facing you, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Ooo, so he is." You sang, crawling to him as you slightly tickled his back, "You are. You're totally blushing."

Jack turned to you with a smug smile, and your brows scrunched in confusion. Before you could react, you were shoved so your back was to the bed and the Guardian of Fun was sitting on you.

"Hey!" You cried, shoving him to get him off. "What're you doing?" He grabbed me by the wrists to stop me from punching him and chuckled. He poked your stomach with his free hand and you squealed.

"You're useless with out your arms aren't yo-" He leaned over, beginning to tickle you more and more. You growled, before roughly kicking your leg up, kneeing him where the sun don't shine. Jack groaned and you pushed him off, jumping from your bed. He quickly recovered and followed your movement, moving his fingers in a tickling gesture. You backed away from him, but he took a step forward, continuing the tickling. You took a step back once again, but he followed. You then tripped over something, who could of been your feet, and fell to the ground. And for even better luck, Jack fell down too. His arms were at either side of your head, and his knee rested in between your thighs, which were sprawled open. His face reddened, and so did yours.

"Sorry," You mumbled, and he smirked.

"Well I've got you pinned down," he sat on top of you once more and wiggled his fingers.


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