Chapter 18

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a/n- happy new years sexy people! jeez im gonna be 19 in less than three months thats wild...

i dont go back to college till the 18th so im hoping i can get as much out to you guys as possible by then! i also have covid rn so i have too much time on my hands - cue one of the longest chapters i've posted

i also spent like two hours changing the plot and setting up everything muehhah have fun trying to figure it out

"Someone seems a little stunned."

Your mouth opened and closed in shock, before you nodded slowly. "Did I...know about this before I..." You gestured to the tomb, using your other hand to draw a thumb over your throat, sticking your tongue out.

"Before you died?" Keith mused, before shaking his head, "No, I used a lot of magic to keep it that way." He finally crawled free of the now dead vines, shaking off his jeans and brown hoodie.


He smirked, "Well, yeah. It's not too easy to come about these days, but I-" Keith chuckled, shaking his head as he cut himself. He looked over at your grave. "I was actually on my way to pay my respects. I know you don't remember, but you and I were pretty close."

When he winked at you, you felt your face light up. You scrunched your nose, looking away. You kept your eyes glued to the headstone as you heard the crunching of snow behind you. "I'm assuming you know about Pitch Black, right?"

The steps towards you halted, before Keith continued so he was next to you. "I mean, yeah, I guess." He gave you a up and down before shrugging, "I'm not as mighty and cool, or whatever, as North and all of them so I don't have too many run ins with him."

"Too many? So you have?" You still hadn't looked up at him, but you could immediately feel a tension grow around you.

It remained silent. You felt a knot in your stomach grow, and goosebumps began running up your bare arms.

"Aren't you cold?" Keith asked, casually drapping an arm around your shoulders. You wanted to back away from the stranger, but a warmth grew in the pits of your stomach and you couldn't help but lean into his touch.

"Uh, no, I guess being the Guardian of Spring has it's perks." You grinned, finally meeting his gaze. He had such beautiful, brown eyes.

"I guess that explains the shooting vines and the flowers growing where your footprints are." He hummed, and you swiftly turned to see it for yourself. Sure enough, the foot indentions you had left in the snow were now the home to bright green grass and flowers.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get over how cool this is." You whispered to yourself, but Keith heard you, nodding in agreement.

"You really are as powerful as-" He paused, clearing his throat before smirking. "I have something I need to show you. From one Guardian to another. His arm fell from where it was curled around your frame, hands moving to grasp your wrist and pull you away from your grave.

"And what would that be?"

"Well, (Y/n), it's a suprise." Keith tugged you to his side, his hand moving to rest on the low of your back.

"Um, yeah, no." You slipped out of his reach, walking backwards the way you came, "I'm waiting for..." You paused. Why should I tell him? "Someone."

"Who, that Snowman?" Keith scoffed, arms crossing as you came to a halt a few feet from him. Sure, that or the creepy nightmare man who's supposed to help me remember things, or whatever. "Jeez, I thought you left that weirdo in the past with the old you. He doesn't deserve you."

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