Chapter 7

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You woke up, feeling warmth next to you. You blinked in confusion, before turning around. You sat up quickly as you noticed the position you and Jack had been in. Your legs had been tangled together, and your back was to his chest. His arms were wrapped around you, resting against the low of your stomach. You blushed furiously, slightly glaring at the sleeping boy. It was still dark outside, so you looked at your clock, before groaning. You removed the covers from over your body and began to get ready for school.

"(Y/n)?" Jack moved himself into a sitting position, tilting his head like a confused puppy, "Where are you going?"

"School." You answered, not making eye contact.

He smiled, hovering slightly over your bed as he sat criss-crossed, "What's today? Any tests you need help cheating on? Oo! Any cool projects we can work on together?"

"I'll be fine on my own, thanks." You snapped, brushing your knotted hair. Before Jack could react to your raised voice, you grabbed a pair of jeans and a (fav/color) tank top. Jack had hopped up to follow you into the bathroom, but you closed the door on him, causing him the frown.

"O...kay." He rolled on his heals before floating back to your bed. You stepped out dressed, applying a small amount of makeup, and then grabbed your flannel from your chair. "You look nice." You paused to meet his gaze, noting how his eyes weren't on your eyes. You snapped, pointing to your face whilst glowering, causing his face to flush.

You continued to gather your things before you started to walk out the door, "You know your way out. I'll...see you later. Don't leave the window open this time." With that, you were down the stairs. Jack scrunched his nose in confusion, before slowly picking himself up, and opening the window.


You silently sat on the bench near your bus stop, your fingers drumming to a beat as you listened to music. Your brows were furrowed in thought as you remembered last night. A blush found its way onto your cheeks and you squeezed your eyes shut to try and rid your thoughts. "Gosh, (Y/n). Get a hold of yourself." You whispered, "He's...he's not even cute." A small horn interrupted your thoughts as you looked up in full alert. You smiled brightly, standing from the bench and walking up to the red truck parked in the street.

"Hello, Lovely Lady, would you like a ride?" Keith grinned, his arm resting out the window as you made your way to him. "You look always."

"I'm sorry, I don't get in cars with strangers." You smirked, leaning against the car with a small blush, "And thank you."

"Hey, (Y/n)." He said softly, and you couldn't help but feel the warming of your cheeks increase.



"I really don't see why you don't like him." You ranted to Molly, who sat sipping her coffee, an eyebrow raised. "He's-He's so genuine, and-and kind...and handsome." You sighed dreamily, your chin in your hand.

"I don't see why you like him so much...I didn't see any of that when we first met." She said, glaring at you, "And I told you. Somethings up with him."

You scoffed, but ignored her, continuing to daydream until the bell rang. You both sat up from your seats in the commons, mentally preparing yourself for first period.

"There's just...something about him that makes me feel uncontrollably in love." You hummed, sending a bright smile to Molly as you saw Keith walking down the farthest hall, which was empty. He looked around gingerly before opening a door with a key card and stepping through.

"Mhm. Yeah, nothings off about him at all." Molly nodded, as you stood in shock. You then shook it off with a 'pft'.

"Um, he's, like, undoubtably the teachers favorite. He's probably running errands for someone." You ignored the small voice in the back your head as you raced towards he door he went through. "I'm going to go meet up with him."

As soon as you were near the door, Keith fell out of the open door as if he had been pushed. He glowered back as it slammed behind him, a dark aura illuminating off of him. His eyes trailed down the hall, and he seemed slightly startled when his glare met your bright eyes. As soon as you had noticed the change of atmosphere, it was gone.

"(Y/n)!" Keith's eyes flickered from the door to you, before walking your way, "Sorry I left so quickly this morning...I had promised to help a teacher."

You smiled. He's so sweet... "It's totally okay! I needed to talk to Molly about something anyways-"

"-Shall I walk you to class?" Keith interrupted, rolling his shoulders back and sending you a charming grin. You internally fainted as he came to your side and wrapped his arm over your shoulder.

"Yes! I-I mean-" You huffed, as you began rambling to no one in particular, Keith turned to look at the door he had just exited. He swiftly turned back around at your ongoing ranting, and laughed.

"A simple 'yes' would be fine, Beaut." His arm inches down so it rested on your waist, and your swore your face was red as a tomato as you mumbled a 'thank you'. Keith chuckled at you once more, causing you to slightly glare. You cleared your throat to try to rid the lump in your throat and placed your hand in the back pocket of his jeans. Keith's laughter ceased as you looked down at you, a blush now on his face as you smirked. "Oh-ha-um-you're wel-uh-"

You shushed him with a small nudge, biting your lip to contain your giggles, "A simple 'you're welcome' would be fine, Handsome." Keith sent you a smirk, pulling you closer against him.

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