Chapter 16

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A/n- woah gigis alive?? wilddd

sorry i'm literally never posting i started my freshmen year of college so that's been weird

You chewed at your nail as you sat at a table with the other guardians, a cup of hot cocoa in your hand and a platter of red and green cookies sitting in the middle of the oak dining table. They all were talking about what they had seen in their visions, but you paid no mind as you thought back to what he had said to you.

Meet me at my grave? What answers would I get there? How would I even get there?


Your eyes shot up to North who had called out to you, everyone else staring at you as well. "Huh?"

"What did you see?"

Don't tell them.

You looked down to play with your hands, "I was in a meadow. I..." You sucked in a breath, "I saw Pitch. And he, uh, showed me some of my past memories." They all exchanged looks before asking you to continue. "I saw my family. My mom and my little brother. And he showed me..." You cleared your throat, "He showed me Jack and some other guy, I think his name was Keith." Jack clicked his tongue, mumbling under his breath. "I don't know... I don't know why."


North hummed, narrowing his eyes in concentration, "And all he did was show you these memories? What more did he say?"

You took a small sip of the cocoa, averting your eyes from them, "Nothing. I think he just wanted to make me miss my old life. He didn't say anything else." You felt their stares on you before Aster began explaining what he saw and the conversations commenced once again. You looked over at Jack, startling slightly, noticing he was already fixated on you. You raised an eyebrow and he inhaled before excusing himself, leaving the table. "What did Jack see?"

Tooth examined the sugar cookie in her hand before placing it back on the table, her hands finding their way into her lap. "Something about you, (Y/n). But um," You frowned. "He didn't want to talk about it."


You looked at yourself in the mirror. North and the yetis had managed to make you some clothes that had fit, so you were now dressed in loose cargo pants and a white long sleeve. Tooth, even though you fought her on the idea of it, insisted you made some effort to fit your new guardian status, so you wore a green corset-like top over your shirt and a pair of green boots. Though you had promised North you would wear the ceremonial slippers around more, you had tucked them into the closet, hoping he would forget about them.

"Don't be stupid." You whispered to yourself, "You don't need answers. He's the bad guy." You loathed in the mirror for a few more minutes before squeezing your eyes shut before turning and walking out of the room. You silently shut the door, gracefully striding down the hall. You needed to find North's workshop. However, as soon as you turned the corner you ran into someone's chest. You grasped onto the familiar, blue hoodie to gain balance as two hands grasped your waist to keep you balanced.

"Fancy running into you." Jack mused. You rolled your eyes, a small smile forming on your lips. "What're up to?"

You shook your head, avoiding the question. "Haven't seen you since you ran out earlier... What was that about?"

Jack inhaled, "Yeah, that..." He looked down at where your hands were against his chest, a blush forming across his cheeks, "Shoot sorry, I'll let you go now." He retracted his hold on your sides, taking a step back as he looked away, scratching his nose.

You peered up at the door to North's personal workshop, "I'll catch up with you later, okay?" You grinned at Jack, sidestepping him before taking a turn down a random hallway you hadn't gone down before. You paused, waiting to hear his footsteps fade. You exhaled and quickly raced up the steps, knocking at the door. When you didn't get a response, you slowly opened it to find North fast asleep at the desk in the far side of  the room. You smirked. This is too easy. Your eyes scanned the shelves for wherever he kept those weird transporting snow globes. You opened a few drawers before giving an exasperated sigh. Never mind this sucks. You moved to a cabinet across from where you were.

"What are you doing?" You let out a yelp, jumping around. A small vine blossomed from your hand, slapping the newcomer on the face. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"Jack, what are you doing?" You whisper shouted, grabbing his cheek and expecting where you had smacked him before shoving him.

"I asked you first." He retorted loudly, and you hushed him, eyes snapping to North who had choked on one of his snores.

"I'm..." You sucked in a breath, "I'm just..." You winced before sighing, "Pitch... I think I need to go back to my grave. I need to find answers, Jack."

He narrowed his eyes, "Why wouldn't you tell me."

You rolled your eyes, "Jack, I-" You tried your best to phrase your next words carefully in your head, "If I don't remember anything how can I decide who I can trust?"

Hurt etched onto his face and he swallowed, "You don't trust us? You don't trust me?"

You shot him another look as North stirred, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the room. Once you stood out on the balcony that overlooked the workshop, you turned on him and pointed at his chest. "No. Don't do that. You don't get to make me feel guilty for wanting answers."

"I'm not trying to make you feel guilty." Jack sighed, rubbing his face, "I guess I just-" His eyes met your, "I guess I just assumed everything would be the before you became a guardian, I mean."

Your lip wobbled slightly, "Jack, you realize it can be, right?"


"If I... If I get the answers it can be the same. If I get me memories back, I'll remember who I am. I'll remember you."

Jack's eyes widened. He looked down at his feet, shuffling slightly. He seemed lost in thought before a smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah, okay. What do you need me to do?"

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