Chapter 5

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It had been a long few minutes of fits, but by the end we were on my roof, looking at the stars. While running from Jack, you crawled through your open window and onto the roof, and he chased after you. It took you almost falling off the edge for him to finally call quits.

"I see Orion!" You cried, pointing upwards. He raised and eyebrow and moved closer to see what you saw. "See those three stars? That's the belt. Under that's the skirt, then upwards is his shirt, which are those four. And that's the bow, so attach that the the hand and then that to the body. The other arms in a u shape. See it?" You cried looking at him, and he smiled.

"Yeah I do. The u shaped hands a cub, I think. That bat like thing." He added, and you nodded.

"Look at you," You mused, smirking, in which he sent you finger guns. You looked back at the stars before sighing, "I should get to bed."

Jack frowned, following your gaze up at the stars as you started to pick yourself up. "That's...yeah."

You sent him a strange look as he looked at you with a disappointed gaze. You stood, scratching your nape, "Thanks for-" You suddenly slipped on the roof shingles and fell into Jack. He then slid down to lightly slanted roof, and you both fell off the edge. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and turned so your back was into his stomach and his back was facing the ground. You hit the ground with an 'oof', and you groaned.

"N-nice going." He gasped, wincing as he tried to sit up, but failed and continued to lay on the grass.

"Thanks for not flying, Frosty." You tched.

"And thanks for thanking me for saving you from breaking something." He rolled his eyes and you looked up to face him. Your stomach was on his and your face inches from him. Jack turned a bright red at your close proximity.

"Thank you," You grinned, tapping his nose and pushing yourself up.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing back here?" Your mother ran out and stopped where you sat.


"Fell? Oh, honey! I told you not to go on the roof!" She cried, helping you up.

"Sorry, I was being-" You stopped and looked at Jack for help.

"Stupid.." He stated and you laughed.

"This is no laughing matter, explain to be this instant. Oh-or after we clean you up. You need to bathe."

"Can I join you?" Jack asked, looping an arm around your waist and letting his hand run through your hair.

"No!" You seethed, punching him.

"Stop acting so odd! Punching the air and yelling? That is no way a lady should act!"

"She's no lady..." Jack added, and you rolled your eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, go to your room. I want you to get in the bath then get to bed."

You huffed, hating how she couldn't see him do what he was, and raced inside. Jack snickered before following.

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