Chapter 12

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You sat, staring at the tombstone, eyes narrowed in concentration.

Who's is this? Mine?

You held your hands together, biting your lip. You were lost. You didn't know who you were, or how you had gotten to where you were. All you remembered was staring up at the moon, and that you were a guardian, whatever that meant. You sat on the floor for what felt like hours, staring at the name engraved into the stone.

"(Y/n) (L/n)...Who were you?" You whispered finally, a puff of warm air escaping your mouth. You pulled your hoodie over your head, rubbing your hands together. It was cold, but you didn't mind it, not at the moment. You were curious. "Brave, independent, selfless." You chuckled, "Whoever this person is...they sound amazing."

"She was." A voice sounded from behind you.

You weren't startled. It was almost as if you felt the presence of this person before they had even spoken. It was a familiar aura, a familiar voice, and the words made you smile.

"Did you know her?" You responded, eyes not straying from the tombstone.

"Only for a short time...but it felt like forever. I wish we had forever." The person sat down besides you. You could feel the sadness radiating off of them. "Brave... independent...selfless. Wow, those words don't give her enough justice. She was beautiful. Both inside and out. Creative and funny. Kind. She was so kind. We had our petty arguments but any moment I got to speak with her was a blessing." They let out a long sigh, "What I would give to see her now. It's been only a few weeks but it's felt ages." He laughed softly, painfully, "It's funny, your voice sounds so familiar to hers."

"She sounds perfect." You turned to look up at stranger, greeting them with smiling. Your (e/c) eyes met with a sharp blue, and you felt your stomach drop, "Woah-"

He stared at you as if you had three heads, his mouth agape. "Wh-(Y/n)?"

Your eyes narrowed, and you looked at the tomb stone. "(Y/n)." You turned back to him, startled by the tears rolling down his face. "I'm, I'm so sorry-I understand you miss her but it's not your fault. You just need to be strong-"

Suddenly, he pulled into his arms as he began to sob. "I saw you die. I saw your lifeless body. Your soulless eyes." He clutched onto you, "I can't believe this."

"I-I'm sorry, I'm confused-"

"(Y/n)-how. H-how did you-" The strange boy froze (pun pun tis), pulling away from you. He gazed into your eyes,

before looking up at the moon.

My Guardian / Jack Frost x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now