Chapter 8

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You yelped as you rolled off your bed, "I'm up, I'm up!" You tried to run as soon as you stood, but your sheets were tangled around your ankle, causing you to fall onto your back. You groaned in pain, rolling over so you were on your stomach and pushed yourself up. You shook your leg, then raced downstairs to meet your mom, who had been calling you to help with groceries.

"Hey, Sweetie. How was school?" She ran a hang through your hair, and you chuckled.

"Awful." You said monotonous looking at an off-brand bag of chips cautiously.

She rolled her eyes, passing you a box, "That's from the bakery. Those things looked interesting!" She chirped, pointing at them in excitement. You opened the box swiftly before frowning at contents. You smelled them before slowly closing the box and putting it aside. "Jamie's going to his friends house today, so he won't be home till later." You nodded, finishing up the groceries before walking back to your room, remembering the day at school you had.

"Do you really want to go to physics? Wouldn't you much rather spend time with me..." Keith hummed, slightly tugging you towards an empty room.

You pursed your lips.

"Keith, I'd loved to...but I really need to go to physics." You softly pulled your wrist from his hold.

You sat on your bed, your head in your hands.

Keith scoffed, "Seriously?" Your eye brows raised at his tone, and his eyes widened as he noticed you backing away, "I-I mean...I totally understand! Another time, then?" He rolled his shoulders back, something you noted he did often, and walked away.

You groaned, falling onto your bed. You didn't know if you should regret your decision or be proud of the choice you made.


Jack hummed happily, his staff relaxing on his shoulders as his arms hung over the stick.

"Good morning, Tooth." He greeted as she flew into the Workshop, her gaze fixated and her face distressed. Her eyes fell onto Jack and she immediately gasped.

"Jack! Where on earth have you been?" Tooth cried, her hands landing on his shoulders as she landed on the ground, "Have you not seen us trying to get your attention?" Jacks gaze fell to the floor. Countless times he had ignored the signs the other guardians had sent him, all because of you. Tooth's gaze changed into a look of disappointment, "Jack." She let go of his shoulders and pressed her lips together. "We need to meet up with the oth-"

"So you finally decided to show up, aye?" A voice called from down the hallway, and Jack looked up to see an angry Aster. "I thought we'd never get a'hold of ya."

"I-I've just been busy!" Jack dropped his arms, his staff hanging loosely in his hand.

"What could possibly that important?" Aster snarled, coming closer. "We haven't seen you in weeks."

"No one." Jack snapped, before he even realized his mistake, Asters eyes brows widened.

"" Asters brows furrowed in confusion as Jacks face grew pink, but he quickly masked it as he rolled his eyes, "Is it that Jamie kid?"

Tooth flew to Asters side, "We all love that kid, Jack, but you can't get too attached-"

"Jack!" A large voice boomed, and everyone jumped before looking up at the second floor where North leaned over the railing, "Sandy and I were making bets on when you'd arrive." Sandy came from behind North and waved.

"Oh?" Jack eyed the two next to him before walking towards North. "Who won?"

"I'd say neither." North answered quickly, but Sandy pointed to himself. Jack chuckled, before frowning.

"What's everyone been talking about..." North's joyful expression grew grim.

"Pitch has returned."

My fists clenched. "And?"

"Another guardian has been chosen."

My Guardian / Jack Frost x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now