Chapter 9

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"Who?" Jack head tilted in confusion, and North gestured him over to a spot where the moonlight showed through the roof.

"It's a girl." North said slowly, "And..."

Aster, Sandy, and Tooth all stood next to the two, looking at the moon in thought.

"And what? Who is she?" Jack curiously asked, excitement filling him, "I-Do I know her?"

"No, you don't know her." North sighed, "This girl...she's not like us."

"What do you mean by that?" Jack asked, before grinning, "Is she actually bad-ass?"

Aster scoffed at this at Jacks comment, and clearly not enjoying the suspense North was leading on, cut North off saying, "She's a mortal, Mate." The joyful man let out a sigh.

Jack's nose scrunched up, "Why would...Why would Manny choose a mortal girl?"

"Well, I-" Tooth paused, then sighed, "We don't know."

Jack hummed, "Well, can I see who she is? Have you met her?"

"We haven't, no." North shook his head, but looked up at the sky, causing the moonlight to slowly form in the shape of a human.

"She's seventeen." Aster told Jack, "We still haven't gotten her location, however, we know she's in Burgess."

Jack nodded, "I've bound to have seen her once. I'm there all the time." Everyone eyed him as his cheeks grew red, "W-for Jamie." He walked around the now fully formed image of the girl, and his hands began to shake. "No..."

Tooth's brows furrowed in confusion as Jack froze in his spot, "Jack, are you alright?"

Jacks hand roamed his hair as he looked up at this sky, "No, no, it can't be her. You can't do this to her. Manny-"

"Jack? Son, are you alright?" North asked, eyeing the image of the girl, before his eyes widened in realization. "You know her." Jack paced the room, murmuring to himself as everyone watched him.

"He knows her?" Aster asked, "H-how?"

Tooth grasped Jack by the shoulders, "Jack, I know this is hard on you-but I-we need you to tell us who she is."

"I'm not letting you take (Y/n) away from her home." Jack yelled, "You can't do this to her, Manny. Not like you did to me-"

"Jack." North's voice boomed, causing all eyes to fall on him, "Where. Is. The girl."

Jacks shoulders dropped as he looked up at the moon before letting his trebling hands to land back into his pockets. "She's...she's Jamie's older sister. (Y/n). Feisty, brave..." Jack couldn't help but grin, "She's pretty incredible."

Tooth smirked at his words, "You really like her, don't you?"

Jacks face fell from its dream-like state, and ignoring Tooth's words, looked up at North, weakly saying, "You can't do this to her."

North sighed, "Manny has chosen her. I don't know what he has planned...or how he expects her to help, but she will."

Jack nodded solemnly, "Yes, Sir."

"Please bring her to us."


"Hey, Jack." You smiled, greeting him with a tender smile.

"(Y/n)," Jack breathed out, smiling, "Long time no see."

You giggled at his words, "It's only been about a week." Jack only pursed his lips and you tilted your head, "Are you upset winters almost over, or something?"

Jack waved off her words, "Or something." You rolled your eyes, holding your blanket tighter around you. Jack's eyes trailed to a spot in the field where grass and flowers were starting to bloom through the blanket of snow. He let out a sigh, causing you to look up at him, "Do you want to go on a walk with me?"


You pulled your fluffy socks higher up your legs, exposing themselves from under your combat boots. Your legs shivered, even from underneath your leggings, and you held your sweater-clothed arms.

"You haven't said a word to me since we started walking. Is there something wrong?" You asked, looking at Jack. His eyes didn't stray from the forest in front of you. "Jack."

His eyes met your concerned stare and he smiled softly, "Yeah, everything's fine. I just-there's just something I need to tell you."

You paused, "What is it?"

Jack opened his mouth, but closed it. Knowing he wasn't ready to tell you, he smirked. "Want to see who can climb a tree fastest?"

You grinned, "You're on." You dashed to the closest tree, one with a large branch wrapping around it to the top, to climb, giggling as Jack began to follow you up. As you reached the top, you sat on the branch, throwing your hands up in triumph.

"Look at you go," Jack laughed, "So...I wanted to tell you..."

"Hi, Jack! (Y/n)!" You both looked down to see Jamie, his coat loose around his form and his boots untied. You scowled at his open jacket and he sighed, "I saw you guys walking away and I wanted to go for a walk too."

"Jamie, I need to talk-"

"You remember how to climb a tree, right?" You mused, "Five bucks you can't even make it half way."

"You're about to be five bucks poor-er." Jamie hollered up at you, starting his trek to where you and Jack sat.

Jack but his lip, knowing he'd have to wait for a better time to inform you of the news.

"Alright, Cowboy, hold on." You pulled your little brother to a resting spot next to you, zipping up his jacket for him. You let out an exasperated sigh, "Gosh, you're getting big." Jamie only giggled, starting to sit up and crawl across your lap. "Hey, now, what are you doing-"

"-I want to sit next to Jack."

"Jamie, you're going to fall, be careful." Jack said as he gingerly moves to stop your brother.

Your breath hitched as you saw his hand slip, and before you could think your hands scrambled to grab onto his jacket. You both fell off of the branch, but you quickly grasped onto the bark. You let out a grunt as your nails dug into the wood, Jamie crying below you. Jack quickly flew over to where you held on, hands wrapping around your wrist. Suddenly, you felt your grip slipping. Your eyes met Jack, who was doing his best to pull you both up, and your lips turned into a small smile.


"Save Jamie." You whispered, before using all of your strength to swing your little brother above your head just as your hands slid from the crevice. Jack pulled the screaming Jamie into his chest, telling him to stay put, before immediately jumping from his spot on the branch and flying after you. Everything felt as if it was in slow motion as you fell towards the snow coated floor. Just as Jack's hand was coiling around your hand... hit the forest floor.

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