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Taehyung was standing alone in the middle of the large gymnasium surrounded by students his age. The last class of the day and his only bestfriend wasn't beside him. He could really use some comfort right now, especially because some people who can't mind their own business also can't keep their mouth shut.

"He's not even in the same league with Yoongi."

"Yeah, what was he thinking?"

The girls behind him were whispering but Taehyung was pretty sure they wanted him to hear what they were talking about based on the volume of their whiny voices.

Sheesh! That happened yesterday and they still can't get over it?

Although he wanted so bad to diss them back, he couldn't. He was a timid person and the only time he wasn't was when he confessed to Yoongi that he liked him. Obviously, or better said as unfortunately, it ended up being a disaster and probably the worst day of his life.

Taehyung was deciding whether to just skip classes when a panting Jimin came running towards him, already dressed in his gym uniform. The girls immediately left him alone. Taehyung mentally thanks the boy.

"What's up Tae?"

"You're late." Taehyung deadpans. "You know I hate being alone, especially know."

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. About that..." Jimin wipes the sweat off his forehead and started being giggly all of a sudden. "Guess what I did?"

Taehyung raised a brow. Jimin could be so silly and unpredictable sometimes. The boy often reminded him of a child.

"Can't, in the middle of the class remember?"

"Okay. Let's just say I got Min Yoongi for you."

"What?!" Taehyung blushes a little. "I-I don't even like him anymore." There was a slight truth to that, really. After knowing how bad Yoongi can actually get, Taehyung was drastically turned off.

Also, after a few realizations, it turned out he was only having that usual silly crush on the popular guy and it did not deserve the risk he took yesterday. But because he was an idiot, he took it.

"Duh, I'm your bestfriend so I kinda already figured that out. And it's not even what I meant."

Jimin then excitedly discussed what he did before arriving at the gym and it had Taehyung's mouth open in only miliseconds.

"You did what?!"

"I just told you." Jimin sassed.

Taehyung could only smack his forehead plenty of times. Preferably, he would do it to Jimin but the boy was too precious to him, he was Taehyung's protector from bullies after all. So his own forehead it is.

"Why are you reacting this way?" Jimin asked, wondering why his bestfriend was not happy like he expected him to be. He got revenge for him.

Taehyung now definitely knew Jimin was still a child. It looks like his bestfriend's brain isn't fully functional yet. In a careful but slightly panicked manner, Taehyung explained...

"Jimin..." He starts slowly and Jimin's face instantly beamed, expecting some kind of I'm-so-proud-of-you speech from Taehyung. Only to be disappointed minutes later.

"...taking the brakes from an expensive motorcycle ain't gonna slow him down, it's gonna kill the rider! Or worse!, you go to prison!"

Jimin's mind went blank.

Once his brain finally processed that what he did was indeed something only a criminal would do, Jimin shrieked."I don't wanna go to prison! What was I thinking?!"

"Exactly!" Taehyung encouraged. It seems like the two shared a common trait of doing something stupid before realizing it was actually stupid.

"I could still stop him. The varsity's practice ended only minutes ago." He says to the other boy or more like to himself.

Taking in Taehyung's encouraging nod, Jimin ran and was quickly out of the gymnasium after ignoring their PE teacher's yells.

"No running in the halls!" The janitor who's currently mopping the hallway shouts at Jimin, almost worried he might trip and the student swiftly and thankfully evades the still wet corridor.

He opens the double doors of the building and immediately scanned the whole area outside. At the end of the concrete pathway, he spotted Min Yoongi boarding his black motorcycle and Jimin instantly ran to him, yelling his name on repeat to stop the guy from leaving. He failed to see the earphones hanging inside both of Yoongi's ears because of the distance. So nothing stopped him from screaming like a lunatic in the backyard of the school. Which is not a problem since the two of them were the only ones outside anyway.

Jimin was barely halfway towards Yoongi when the older started the engine and drove off. Jimin resisted the urge to faint and even though it was useless, he still ran to the direction of where the vehicle headed.


The last thing Yoongi remembered before blacking out was his motorcycle passing by his house like it had a mind of its own. An image of a medium-sized tree also flashed through his aching head. He tried to move his body but it seemed like Yoongi was too tired after whatever happened. The male blinked his eyes a couple of times so he could adjust to the lightning of the room, which turned out to be all white, even his clothes. And it wasn't even his usual ones.

"What the-"

Yoongi raised his eyes to the far side of the room and was able to detect two figures talking amongst  themselves. The two said boys brought their attention to him once they realized Yoongi was finally awake.

The other male immediately ran outside, too scared to show his face while the other awkwardly remained and stood still before fearfully walking towards him. That's when Yoongi realized he was lying on a bed. A hospital bed?

"How are you feeling?" A very familiar voice asked him. The voice was a tad shaky but it was trying to sound somewhat brave. Once Yoongi got a better look at the boy's face, million questions invaded his mind. After all, the two were not in good terms so why would he be here in the hospital with Yoongi?


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