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It was thursday morning and Yoongi was unusually up already, still in his pajamas, sitting in front of the kitchen countertop and going through Jimin's phone. The younger's suspension just made one of his rehabilitation days a whole lot better.

The male felt giddy once he was able to convince Jimin last night to come over. The other was currently relieving himself in one of the bathrooms inside the Min's household while Yoongi opened Jimin's phone using the younger's birthday, which he had discovered a few nights prior when he had randomly messaged the boy.

Yoongi went to contacts and looked for his own name. He didn't find it. However, he did see one called 'Kitten' with a knife and bomb emoji placed next to it. The male scanned the numbers and realized it was his.

Cute but deadly, just like Jimin.

Park Jimin occupying his thoughts was weird but felt good at the same time.

The younger was merely a passerby days before and now they have held conversations that last longer than any of the ones he had with his friends. Oddly enough, Jimin has made an impact on the older and the idea of the boy not seeing him again after he had recovered annoyed Yoongi.

Change name to Kitten's daddy♡?

Yoongi chuckled to himself before pressing the 'okay' on the screen and switching it off when he heard footsteps nearing the kitchen.

He turns around carefully in his seat and again checks out Jimin in his casual clothes. He had to admit Jimin looked even more attractive, dressed and closer than when he would usually only sit at the front row of the class and far from Yoongi's sight. The days before, the younger often visited him in his school uniform because he only had time after classes. Now, they have the whole day to themselves, or more like Jimin all to Yoongi.

"Shame, I could've helped with your boner."

Meanwhile, Jimin was used to Yoongi's perverted comments by now so it didn't faze him in the slightest. Though he would gladly appreciate it if Yoongi would stop, especially his smug grin at the end of every comment. It's kind of distracting.

"And then do what? Wrap your bandages around my dick?" Jimin went over to the groceries he bought and took out the ingredients needed to make a soup.

"Now you're just making me hard." Yoongi directs his infamous smirk towards Jimin who groans in response before proceeding to cook.


Jimin's face contorts into discomfort as Yoongi kept stealing glances of him before quickly looking back at his own bowl, pretending as if he had done nothing.

They ate the soup that Jimin made at the kitchen table where they sat across each other. There was a few exchanges of snarky remarks but other than that it was mostly quiet. One thing's for sure, Yoongi ate like a kid. At least according to Jimin who was a bit inconsiderate of the older's current condition.

Using only his available hand, Yoongi scooped a spoonful of the soup. But because his other hand couldn't hold the bowl in place, it's position on the table changed every second.

It was when the bowl was almost at the edge that Jimin instantly reached forward to block the glassware from falling into the floor. Yoongi successfully bringing the spoon into his mouth with a 'mmh' sound, smiling to himself after. He looks up so he could stare some more thinking that the younger's attention wasn't on him anymore but twitched when he realized Jimin was still gazing at him with a weirded out expression. Yoongi relaxes himself before sheepishly grinning.

"Something's wrong with you today." Jimin mused.

"Did I got more handsome?" Yoongi winks at him while Jimin continued to hold the other's bowl after finishing his.

"I thought you'd say that."

"Right judgement of my character. Do you also think that means something?" The older playfully says.

Jimin frowned, clearly oblivious of what the statement means. He rolls his eyes and grabbed both  bowls before heading towards the sink to wash them. Yoongi stares at Jimin's back while basking in the boy's presence.

When he was done, Jimin dried his hands with a paper towel and placed himself back across Yoongi. He watched as the male tried to slowly lift his arm through the cast but ends up wincing in pain. Jimin sighed weakly in guilt.

"Hey." He calls out to the other boy in the room. Yoongi stops his small movements and immediately focused on Jimin.


Jimin mumbles, sincerity shown on both his face and tone, mockery aside. He never really got to properly apologize for his horrible action and that made Yoongi coo at the boy. Especially with Jimin's eyes looking at him in an innocent manner without actually realizing the effect it had on Yoongi.

Unable to hold it in, Yoongi pinches one of his cheeks and Jimin was quick to swat the older's hand away, gently. The ticklish gesture making him giggle. Yoongi cooed even more.

"How could I stay mad at you?"

"Could you stop flirting for once?" Jimin divertingly replies, gradually starting to ease the feud between him and Yoongi.

"And miss the chance to see you  blush? No way!" Yoongi exaggerates, ignoring Jimin's request and turning the younger's giggles into laughter.

"I'm trying to be serious here..." The younger whines, his breathes unsteady due to laughing so hard at Yoongi.

The first time he's warming up to the male instead of getting irritated at everything Yoongi does or says, and it felt nice. Maybe if Jimin just decided to try seeing the older differently, Yoongi might not seem so bad. Maybe too arrogant, self-centered, egoistic, but not the evil he had imagined him to be. He hadn't done anything severely offensive to Jimin yet besides the dirty comments and the rumors about Yoongi being a great person was beginning to sound true.

"Friends?" Jimin was cut out of his thoughts when Yoongi placed his open palm at the empty space between them.

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