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"I'm sorry, he's gone."

The doctor dejectedly mumbles and the whole family bursted into tears, Yoongi frowned on the corner. He then skips pass the emergency room and went to the one across.

He opens the door to see Jimin calmly looking out the window while sitting against the headrest of the hospital bed. Yoongi took quiet steps towards the boy while simultaneously admiring Jimin's side profile, he's so beautiful. His eyes then moved to Jimin's twisted ankle.

"Your foot looks tiny in these bandages."

Jimin snaps his head to burn his gaze on Yoongi's silly grin. "Not another word."

"As you wish." The older speaks rather too formal.

Jimin observed as Yoongi sat down on the mattress by his side, then pulling his legs along and laying them down next to the younger's.

Yoongi smiles to himself before deviously giving Jimin a quick peck on the cheek.

The younger groans and wipes off his left cheek. "What was that for?!"

"So you can stop being jealous." Yoongi answers smugly, pertaining to the incident a few nights prior.

"Who told you that?" Jimin turns to his left, his face centimeters from from Yoongi.

"You did." The older pecks his nose next, making Jimin scrunch up, "Of me and Sunghoon." then his forehead.

"Is this another one of your charming antics?" Jimin raises a challenging brow after rubbing his face. "And I'm not jealous."

Yoongi smirked. "Does that mean I'm charming? Enough to make you jealous?"

"Don't mess with my words." He argues. The other chuckled. Jimin jerks his head away after Yoongi tried aiming for his lips.

Yoongi scratched the back of his head and looks at a questionable Jimin.

"Why are you mad exactly?"

The younger sighs frustratingly and decides to just get it all over with. He couldn't possibly run away now.

"You can stop pretending to like me because you want to get back at me for injuring you." Jimin states confidently, proud of himself for figuring it out. He crosses his arms and gazed ahead. "It won't work."

"But you already are jealous." The other retorts. "And I never said I liked you." Yoongi cleverly deadpans, trying to hide the large smile threatening to explode from his face.

Jimin looks down in embarrassment and avoids Yoongi stare. "Still..." you act like you do and it's driving me nuts.

Their head darted to the door after hearing a knock or two. "Mom!" Jimin blurts out after seeing a familiar woman by the door frame. Next to her was a male nurse who had a wheelchair in front of him. Jimin finally releases the suffocating feeling in his chest.

Mrs. Park walked over to her son and gently kissed his right cheek, Jimin's eye smile showing up in the process. Yoongi gets lost in the sight.

"Hi baby." She greets and glances at Yoongi. "A little help dear?"

Yoongi nods eagerly and slid his arms under Jimin's body in order to carry him bridal style.

"What are you doing?" Jimin questions him, alarmed by the gesture. And probably flustered.

Mrs. Park perks up and relaxes his child.

"It's okay honey. He's here to help."

Yoongi was about to lift him up but Jimin continues to whine, adamant.

"Why him?! He did this to me."

"Impossible. You have always been clumsy Jimin." His mother scolds lightheartedly and gives her consent to Yoongi, who reciprocates her smile before bringing Jimin to sit on the wheelchair. The younger reluctantly puts his arms around Yoongi.

"Thank you, Yoongi." Mrs. Park beams at the male whom she thought was very nice.

Jimin alternates his gaze between the two. The boy was surprised to have her mother take Yoongi's side. The two were talking pleasantly when he decided to harshly clear his throat.

Mrs. Park looks at him in realization and signals the nurse to move his son outside.

They start to walk while the female was on her phone. Yoongi secretly takes the wheelchair from the nurse and pushes it himself. He leans down on the younger's ear who flinched at the sudden closeness.

"I was kidding earlier. And I like you because I just do."


Did anyone else felt the tension between Yoongi‐oppa and Jimin at the court earlier? #yoonmin?

I swear! I thought oppa was going to kiss Jimin. #yoonmin

I think I'mma go for it! #yoonmin

How could y'all give Yoongi-oppa away like that?!

They looked so good together. #yoonmin

Basketball buddies... #yoonmin

I saw them running pass our class earlier. #yoonmin

The tension is driving me crazy! #yoonmin

Am I the only one thinking straight here?! #canceljimin

       @yoongilicious no you're not. #canceljimin

Yoongi-oppa is ours! #canceljimin

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