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The begrudged boy pulled up in front of Yoongi's home. A few more days into the relationship and he already finds it strange why nearly ninety percent of the school's population thought Yoongi would make a good boyfriend.

Jimin removes the helmet from his head and lifted one full leg off the motorcycle. He brushes off the strands of his hair to straighten it out after it had gone stiff due to being confined inside the head gear.

"I can't believe he made me retrieve his motorcycle on my own." Jimin mumbles to himself and took the keys with him.

Minutes later and the boy was at the Min's living room where he and Yoongi agreed to meet.

He positions himself on the center couch timidly and waited for a bit while taking in the refreshing atmosphere. Surrounding him were maids in uniform tidying silently with controlled movements as if the place could get any more cleaner.

The feeling of having met the heat and harsh winds from driving outdoors probably drained the last of his patience for in the next second, Jimin found himself reaching out to one of them.

"Yes, dear?" A middle-aged woman turned to him sweetly. The young boy mirrors her expression. In a soft voice, he spoke.

"Can I ask where Yoongi is?"

"He's been at the back garden the whole afternoon, dearest."

"They have a back garden?" Jimin raises his voice a little in curiosity. He always knew how wealthy Yoongi is but he never mentioned a back garden before. Surely they don't have anything fancier than the mowed lawn at the front.

Receiving an approving nod from the nice lady, Jimin moves himself to the direction she pointed. Wait, is that birds singing?

Jimin slides that door and he almost deemed it unbelievable when a butterfly flew pass him.

The boy steps out the boundary and found two white, iron chairs placed across one another. Situated in the middle was a small table with features almost similar to the ones in the seats. Jimin squints his eyes and swore he could see finger sandwiches on top sitting untouched out in the open. He feels a slight tap on his shoulder so he turns around as reflex. Jimin felt himself melt at the sight despite his quietness.

Yoongi greets him with a smile and a ray of assorted flowers neatly arranged into a bouquet. The male holds it out for Jimin.

"Happy Weeksary!" He utters avidly. Jimin snorts at the unexpected gesture but accepts the flowers anyway, his cheeks matching the hue of the roses he's holding.

"Didn't think you'd be the cheesy type." The younger quips.

"Just say you love it." Yoongi chuckles alongside Jimin and beckons for him to sit down on one of the chairs. In front of him was a mini banquet Yoongi prepared in the duration of one whole afternoon.

He had help from the maids inside of course but thinks it's more attractive if Jimin thought he made it all by himself. Which would be a good thing if the younger hasn't him figured out already.

Yoongi feathered Jimin's hair with kisses before taking a seat on the other side.

Jimin stares at the snacks on the table which looked ideal if you plan for a picnic. He picks a tiny biscuit and devours it in one go. Chewing slowly, Jimin muses.

"Not saying this isn't nice but is it really necessary to celebrate a week-long relationship?"

"Jimin, my prince..." Yoongi tsked playfully. "When you're with me, there won't be any dull moment. Or at least an uncelebrated occasion regarding us two." He adds the last part sheepishly.

"Whatever you say." Jimin yields before sipping tea in a careful manner. Yet still hisses when the hot beverage reached his tongue.

"That's my boy."

Jimin was still busy fanning over his tongue so he wasn't able to acknowledge Yoongi's last retort. The older male took that time to just gaze at the boy intently in adoration.

A week with broken limbs. What a funny state to have him fall in love.

Yoongi was broken out of his daze when his phone rang. He picks it up and flinches when he receives a yell from the other line.

"Hyung! The enemy got Jin pregnant!" Jungkook's panicked voice echoes into Yoongi's ear and he backs away a little from the device.

Seriously, he pushes them out of his house for one day to go at a local coffee shop and this happens. Yoongi looks over to Jimin who also had the same done expression while holding his own phone up to his ear. It's probably Taehyung telling him the exact same ridiculous news.

The couple simultaneously puts their phones down and next comes the exasperated sighs. After a moment of preferred silence, Jimin mopes.

"The hospital again?"

Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose, stifling a laugh. "The consequences of having friends."

"And a crazy bunch at that." Jimin scoffs. "Jin's pregnant? Really?"

Yoongi agrees in a flash. "I know right. I distinctly remember hyung having his period yesterday."

At the statement, he catches a half-bitten sandwich that flew straight his way, courtesy of Jimin.

"For a second there, I thought you were a tad less insane." His boyfriend deadpans, shaking his head in fake disappointment.

"Under your influence? Nah, don't think so." Yoongi grins at the memory of how their story started. "Just glad to have you on my side now."

"With that decided, you'll be coming with me to the hospital." Who knows what those idiots did. Jimin just hopes it won't be as bad as the last one.

"I'm not saying otherwise." Yoongi then jogs to Jimin only to have his boyfriend carry him on his back. Jimin stumbles a little before being able to steady the both of them. He groans.

"The heck!"

"Onwards!" Yoongi dramatically cries out before hopping off Jimin's back and pulling the boy's hand to have the younger trail after him.

"Let's try making out in public there." Yoongi pants, hurrying to exit the mansion. He's referring to the times Jimin was to shy or scared to openly be touchy with his boyfriend at school . The older can't blame him however, what with all the judging and jealous eyes casted towards them. Although it would be better to focus on the majority, the positive ones.

"I hate you." Jimin spats as he continues to move his feet according to Yoongi's pace.

But he doesn't hate the idea though.

The End💙💛

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