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The injured between the two grumbled every time he took a step. The crutch barely serving any help to his limping state. Jimin walked closely from behind.

"Can't believe they ran out of wheelchairs." Yoongi complains while the younger beg to differ.

Jimin whistled as he made his way back to Yoongi's room while pushing a wheelchair. On his way, he passes by a young boy, not less than sixteen and notices him struggling to use his crutch.

"Why are you smiling?" Yoongi snaps him out from his thoughts and that's when he realized they stopped in the middle of the hospital corridor. A few patients and nurses were passing by them.

"He only had a sprained ankle but it was worth it." Jimin blabbed and Yoongi tilts his head cutely to the side, his cheeks looking bigger than usual. Not that Jimin was paying attention to any of the boy's features before.


The younger was dumbfounded by the rare sight but decided to wave him off. He gently places an arm around Yoongi, ushering him to continue walking, or limping.

Jimin looked unbothered with his gesture while the other male couldn't help but direct his attention to the arms enveloping him. Yoongi didn't think Jimin would ever want to touch him(the other kind works too). A few seconds later and Jimin began talking again.

"Aside from your brother, could you make sure no one else finds out about this?"


"You never learn do you?"

"Excuse me?" Yoongi stops in his tracks once again and faced Jimin who sheepishly smiled at him.

"You're not planning anything again, are you?"

Jimin perks ups immediately. "No! Of course not." After the recent incident, he learned his lesson about reckless decisions and hopefully, his brain would cooperate next time.

He fidgeted with his fingers and kept looking at Yoongi. "It's just your fans or 'whatever they are'," Jimin quotes in a mocking tone."...might go crazy and we don't want  further trouble so if you could just..." He trailed off and Yoongi shrugged.

"Who knows, maybe one of them is stalking us now." The older answers smugly and Jimin mumbles something like 'why do I even bother?'.

Yoongi kept his head low to monitor his steps while Jimin looked around the hospital. They arrived at the lobby where there are more people and that's when the younger noticed two familiar faces on the reception. Jimin's orbs grew broad as he identified Jin, Yoongi's older brother and another figure, Jungkook.

Why are there two of them?

"Do you think the cast around my leg made my thighs look smal–"

The male's sentence was cut off when Jimin quickly pushed him to a corner. Where they would not be visible to the other two's view.

"Yah! What gives?"

"Just-" Jimin groaned in frustration. "‐shhh!"

"Shhh?" Yoongi mimicked but in a questioning tone. He watched as Jimin occasionally glances behind him in a frantic manner. Yoongi went to look at the same direction and widened his eyes when he finally saw people he was close with.

"Jungkoo–" The boy was pulled back behind the wall and got reprimanded by Jimin.

"I told you to shhh!"

"That's not even a word!" Yoongi spat back. They continued to whisper-yell and got looks from people going pass them.

Jin was tapping his fingernails on the reception's desk as he waited for the female to finish talking on her phone. Jungkook was growing impatient while feeling his stomach rumble over and over again.

"Keep it down." Jin scolds him, also barely holding on to the little patience left inside his conscience.

"How?" Jungkook gave him a look as if Jin was asking the impossible but the older was smarter than that.

"Go get some food or something."

Jungkook huffed like a little kid and started dragging himself to find the cafeteria. He only managed to walk two steps when he sees someone he knew from campus in front of him.

"Oh! Hey Taehyung, I see you got food in there." He smiles amusingly at the stunned male, referring to the chips in Taehyung's grasp. The other handed him the whole pack, too shy to utter a word. Jin who saw the entire scene just rolled his eyes at his 'best' friend.

"At least save some for me." He says jokingly and then looks back at Taehyung. "You're from our school right?"

Jin asked softly, scared he might drive the nervous boy away. Jungkook swallowed before being the one to answer the oldest.

"Duh, remember yesterday's incident with your insensitive brother?"

Jin got a few sudden flashbacks before smiling apologetically at Taehyung. "Well damn, sorry about that." He speaks, not too sure of what else to say.

"It's fine." Taehyung mumbles meekly. It doesn't really bother him anymore. Talk about fast recovery. Jin exhales in relief and smiles even wider at him. He looked so gorgeous and kind-hearted it would be hard to believe the male was related to Yoongi.

"If that's the case, can I ask if you've seen him here? I was gonna ask the receptionist but she seems busy." Jin kindly asks, the last sentence spoken in an irritated way.

"Yeah." Jungkook adds, not really paying attention to Jin.

Taehyung looks at the oldest before gazing back at the extra visitor.

'There can't be any more witnesses.'

Jimin's voice rang through his head repeatedly as he tried to come up with a plan to drive the other boy away.

"Haven't seen him." Taehyung briefly states, making him sound suspicious to the other two. He never really socialized much so that explains why he couldn't come up with a good reply.

"Really?" Jungkook calmly muses. Yet his eyes looked like they can see through the boy's head.

Taehyung nods instantly instead of talking in order to not mess up more. The other two sighed and Jin just decided to walk back to the receptionist while Jungkook stayed with him.

'Go away.'

"You got more snacks?"

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