Chapter 9

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As time went by, Claudia and I became really close. She was super cool! A believer, nerd, funny and a great friend. She knew all the right words to say and we'd do devotion together, sometimes I would go and sleep over at her house. The only difference is that she went to college, she wanted to be a nurse. My mom was a nurse but she now moved away so it was best for the both of us if we didn't meet eye to eye.

Elizabeth on the other hand was very out-going. She, too, was in college studying to be a nurse. They were both older than me with a year. I was supposed to feel jealous or the very least behind, but I didn't care. It had been almost seven months since my father got hospitalised and with the waitressing job, I wasn't contributing much to his bills but it was so much better. Miss Jane took on the burden of catering for him food and I just had to deal with the less stressing expenses as we both contributed to his time in the hospital. "Chloe, can I see you after you're done?" Asked Miss Jane.

I nodded.

I wondered what she wanted to talk to me about. Treating cancer was so expensive but I didn't want to overwork myself. My father always told me to remember Exodus 14:14. At least I had Claudia for moral support. She was so firm with me and she understood everything I was going through. I felt so blessed to have her in my life.

Well, I later went to Miss Jane as she told me and for some weird reason, I couldn't stop my heart from racing fast. "Have you spoken to Dr.Jamal, lately?"

I shook my head as I tried to remember when last I had a talk with him. Ever since that unfortunate incident, I have stayed clear from him. He was a grown man with raging hormones and I understood that, but I wasn't going to sin in order to satisfy him. I was really disappointed when he allowed his emotions to over-rule him. After all we talked about and he still went ahead with it. "Well, we found someone abroad that heard your story and is willing to take the expenses from your hands. She's willing to pay fully for treatment of your father after all, they have the best hospitals that are equipped for cancer patients. But before I tell you more, are you willing to let go of your father?"

"I'm not going with him?"

"You have a life ahead of you and so much to take care of here. Your father will need someone whose capable of getting him what is required, you're not familiar with the place but I am. Dr.Jamal suggested that I go."

"So, what will I be doing here? I want to be close to my father. I have no one else here," I cried.

Miss Jane crossed her arms at her chest and took a deep breath. "That's why I'm talking to you. But if you need more time you can go and talk to your father. He knows about it and is at a better chance of talking to you. You only have till the end of the month, though."

"That's like, I don't know...two weeks!"

After work, I went straight to the hospital. I wanted answers. I wanted to talk to my father about it. Letting him go abroad for his treatment wasn't a problem, I just wanted to go with him. Staying behind wasn't an option.

I found him sitting, looking out of the window. He turned his face to me and I couldn't help myself but to breakdown. I couldn't let my father go without me. He was all that I had in this world. NO!

"Daddy, please tell me that I can come with you," I cried to him as I knelt down next to his wheelchair.

"Lee, my cannot come with me. You have to trust God on this."

"God wouldn't want me to be here alone----"

"You're not alone, Lee. He's with you, always."

"I don't care! Don't you get it? You're all I have and I don't want to stay," I said as I held onto his hand.

🎵"Every time I tried to make it on my own

Every time I tried to stand and start to fall
And all those lonely roads that I have travelled on
There was Jesus"🎵

"Please don't," I said, not trying to sing along with him. "You're breaking my heart, right now."

"Don't you get it? You have idolized me and put God second in your life. I cannot be first in your life, Lee. Just like you aren't in mine. God is my father as he is yours, we need to run to him firs before anyone else. You aren't new to this topic, baby. I'm just going abroad and that alone is already too hard for you to accept. What if I was dying? Would you come with me, too? The truth is, sometimes we go through difficult situations to strengthen our faith, sometimes it's to pull us closer to God and at times, it's to help those around us that may be going through what we had. In the times of our storms that's when we realise a lot. I didn't know that you idolised me until I got sick. I was trying to make you realise that you don't need me to survive, you have God. We are all messengers on earth trying to save each other from falling into sin, God is our creator and Father and therefore, he deserves the glory, he deserves your time and worship. You have to let me go, Lee. I love you, you know I do but I cannot go with you, I cannot be first in your life."

🎵"On the mountain, in the valleys,"🎵 I started to sing with tears rolling down my cheeks.

🎵"(There was Jesus),"🎵 he supported me.

🎵"In the shadows of the alleys,"🎵

🎵"(There was Jesus)."🎵

🎵"In the fire, in the flood,"🎵

🎵"(There was Jesus)."🎵

🎵"Always is and always was,"🎵

"No I never walk alone,"🎵

🎵"(Never walk alone)."🎵

🎵"You are always there,"🎵 we sang in unison.

"I love you, daddy," I softly told him as I wiped away my tears.

"No Lee, I love you," he smiled and kissed my hand.

When I got home, Claudia was waiting up for me. She had slept on the sofa and woken up when she heard the door open. When she saw me, she threw her arms around me and gave me a warm, loving hug. "Are you okay?" She asked in a low tone.


"Good. That's all I want to hear."


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