Chapter 22

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I went back to the hospital to try to stop the abortion because I knew that Chloe was not in her right state of mind. Has anyone ever had that moment where you want someone to learn from his or her mistakes, but because Jesus would have never done that and because it has been written that we should treat our neighbours like how we want to be treated, I could not sit back and do nothing. Love does not keep a record of wrongs and truly speaking, I....

Chloe's POV

As I laid on the bed waiting for the doctor to begin with the procedure, the door opened to my father. I immediately sat up from the bed, as my father, Ms. Jane and Jesse walked into the room. My face displayed horror and embarrassment as they looked at me. "When Jesse told me what you were going to do I didn't believe him because...I thought I knew my daughter," my father spoke, as he folded his arms at his chest. "I guess I've been away for way too long."

He could not even stand to look at me, instead he walked out of the room. Ms. Jane, who was in tears, walked over to my bed and wrapped her arms around me and I just broke down. I had so much shame that I could not even look at anyone in the room. Jesse followed my father. At that moment, reality hit so hard that I could not believe what was happening around me.

After a long while, when I stopped crying and talking it all out, Ms. Jane led me out of the hospital. Jesse was the only one at the car when we got there. "Where's my father?" I asked.

"He asked me to take him home."

Ms. Jane insisted not to go see my father. "He needs time," she told me. I knew that my decision truly hurt my father. At the moment, Jesse's warm hugs would really slap. He never, not even for a second, looked back at me, why was he treating me like that?

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