Part One - "I'm Home"

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A/N: man it's been forever since I wrote and published anything on Wattpad so might be a bit rusty!
I wrote this fanfic because I love the series SWAT and felt like there needed to be more fanfics for this ship to tie us over until season 5 premieres.
So enjoy , let me know what you think and if I should continue writing! Thanks :)
- Kate

(In Chris' POV)

The plane had just touched down at LAX and Luca and I were collecting our luggage from the collection point. It's the early hours of the morning and the sun was not far off of rising.

"I told Tan and Street to bring my car to the airport yesterday and leave the keys with the terminal desk so Street wouldn't have to wake up early to come pick us up as well as the rest of the team would be on shift", Luca said, moving forward to collect his bag after spotting it in the oncoming pile.

"Makes sense... I hope he's doing okay. I haven't really heard from him in a while", I said to Luca, trying to play off that I hadn't heard anything from Street but little did Luca know I had been talking to him everyday, between text messages and FaceTime calls before I went to sleep.

I was worried about the time difference affecting our ability to keep in contact but seeing as Street had been on Medical Leave for the last three months, he was available to speak anytime he wanted.

After the last time I saw Street, when I kissed him goodbye in the 20-Squad locker room, which felt incredible and I hadn't been able to stop thinking about doing it again, and he did contact me as soon as he woke up from his surgery, which made me feel a whole lot better about everything turning out okay.

Street found it funny that I asked him to tell me everything they had told him about his surgery but I was just so worried about him getting sick and... the possibility of losing him.

I felt the exact way that he did, I would never recover if I were to lose him either.

And when I was how many thousands of miles away, there was nothing I could do from my TLI training in Germany but sit and worry and wonder.

Street was right to turn down my offer to stay and look after him because I worked hard for my position in TLI and now that I had completed my training, I don't regret it, especially after finding out Street was fine and healing properly.

"Do you mind if I stop by your place and see how he is doing before you drop me off at mine?", I ask Luca, after also grabbing my bag from the carousel.

"Yeah of course, you might just have to stick around a bit cause if I know anything about Street, it's that he will not wake up early if it's not a work day", Luca laughed and headed to the terminal desk to collect his keys as I waited by the exit doors to the parking lot.

Luca and I climbed inside his truck and made our way to his and Street's place, the sun slowly rising in the distance.

When we pulled into the driveway, I could see Street's bike parked just inside their garage.

I remember the last time I had been on the back of his bike was when he had agreed to join me in my Grief Meeting, the same day he tried to help me out of my funk and downward spiral and when I tried to hurt him and push him away again.

I was so upset and angry at everyone and everything that the one person who actually understood what I was going through and what I was doing to myself, was someone who I wish I had have turned to and let in a long time ago.

We climbed out of the truck and Luca grabbed his luggage from the back, and I followed him to their front door.
"Man it feels weird to use my keys in this door after not having to do it for the last three months" Luca laughed.

We finally made it inside the house and Luca told me to make my self at home as headed to his bedroom.
I sat down the couch, and placed my head back, face turned up, eyes closed.

That flight really took it out of me, after the training I've been through for the whole summer, I feel tougher and more tactical in my position, but sitting still and cramped for that many hours, my body is ready for a warm shower and a whole week of rest.

I open my eyes and turned back to the sound of Luca's voice now coming back through the doorway to let me know that he was heading off to have a long awaited shower and told me to feel free to make myself a coffee or even take a nap on the couch.

After a few moments of contemplating what my body was willing to do, a thought rushed through my head now that Luca was occupied, that immediately had me standing up and making my way through the house, no matter how tired my body was.

I slowly grabbed and turned the door handle and slipped inside the dimly lit room, closed the door and leant against it.
A figure, laying on their stomach, completely covered in the duvet, breath rising and falling in a light sleep.

There he was.
After a long three months apart, I finally get to see him.
I stopped before taking another step and thought to myself, is this weird?
Is this a bad idea? We've been apart for three months, I probably shouldn't surprise him like this?

Then I remember the feeling I've been having the last three months and how much I wish he could have been with me in Germany, we both worked hard in the T-LI competition and, well, I just really missed him.

I continued toward his bed, and sat down on the opposite side to Street. I noticed he had grown a slight stubble and I smiled, and contemplated a bearded Street.

He looked so peaceful and rested and I just wanted to stay in this moment for a little longer, but Luca would be out of the shower pretty soon so I needed to think fast.

I slowly laid down next to him, turning my body to face his, the biggest grin formed on my own face as I realised what I was about to do.

My head was now rested on the pillow opposite his, I lifted my hand and placed it slightly above his forehead, gently tracing my finger down his cheek to his chin, then brought my hand back to my chest, he stirred and moved to rub his hand down over his face in the spot my hand hand just been.

Street's eyes fluttered, and he scrunched his face, and attempted to adjust his eyes to the small amount of rising sun that now lit up his room.
Once he'd blinked a few times he slightly raised his head from his pillow and noticed I had been lying next to him.

"Chris!", he exclaimed, and stared at me for a few seconds before reaching out to softly touch my arm, "am I dreaming right now?", he smirked, making sure I was real and not a dream he might be having.

I mean I wouldn't mind Street dreaming about me.

He was all I thought about while I was away.

Oh man, do I have it bad. And I'm not even sure what it is that I have.

"Hey", I whispered, my grin grew even bigger, "I'm home".

We laid there for a few moments just mesmerised, longing, excited and not knowing what to expect.

Street must have wondered why I was in here with him like this , when he slightly lifted his head from the pillow and looked to the door, and questioned "where's Luca?".

I eased his mind and let him know that "He's in the shower so we have a few minutes".

Street turned back to gaze into my eyes, his own eyes darting down my face and back to eyes and smirked, "well in that case...." he said, grabbing my chin and brought his lips to mine.

At last, the one thing I had wanted to feel again all summer, and here he is.

Yep, I'm definitely home.

I do have some ideas on extending this so let me know what you think! 💜

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