Part Twenty - "I know"

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A/N: HAPPY NEW SWAT DAY, here's a new chapter 🥳🙌🏼
- Kate 💜

(Chris POV)

The drive home had been a blur, no recollection of the last fifteen minutes. It was as I pulled up into the parking lot that switched my focus back to my destination.

To be completely honest with myself, Tan's comment had really gotten under my skin, whether he was just playing with us or not.

I climbed out of the Jeep and made my way up to my apartment.

I didn't believe Street could be capable of going behind my back like that. But then the feeling that crawled back into my head, was that Street and I had never actually discussed what we were. Was he my boyfriend? Were Street and I on the same page about how serious this was?

I just assumed after everything that had happened between us over the last few months, the changes we were trying to make, that it was just obvious that, that's where we were headed.

That is where we are.

Street was literally willing to give up his position on the team so that we could be together.
Tan was obviously messing with us, especially after his comments earlier.

Why am I sending my self into a spiral over something that's nothing.

Street would never do that, period.

I needed to talk to him, finally see what this is. It scared me how serious I felt about him.

I closed the door behind me and dropped my backpack at the table leg. I beelined for the refrigerator, my thirst for a beer had won and it was going to be one of those nights.

I sat myself down on the couch, removed the cap off the beer and threw it in front of me on the coffee table.

I inhaled a heavy sigh, and drank a long sip of the beer, swallowed and placed my head back to rest against the couch, the bottle held atop of my thigh.

A few moments passed, my brain still turned over the conversation, then, backtracked to my overwhelming feelings about Street and how much we were risking, just to be together.

A rapid knock on my apartment door caused my eyes to fly open.

I had the feeling Street would come. I know he saw how I had reacted.

I had felt so much in the moment I hadn't given him a real chance to explain what Tan was talking about.

I placed my beer down and dragged myself over to the door, pulled it open and found Street stopping his pacing, heaving a sigh as he finally made eye contact with me.

I raised my eyebrows, my sullen stare directed at him for a few moments before he asked, "can I please come in?".

I nodded my head in approval and he quickly moved past me into the apartment.

Street had stopped directly behind me as I closed the door. He rushed out a, "Chris, I need you to know that what Tan said wasn't true".

I finally turned back around to face him once he spoke and leant my back against the door.

His eyes searched over my face, as he tried to gauge my feelings.

"I know", was all I could manage, my voice barely above a whisper.

It was Street's turn to raise his eyebrows and sigh with relief, then followed by a look of confusion.

"Okay, but if you knew I wouldn't do that to you then, why were you upset?", he stepped closer and placed his hands on my biceps.

I lifted my chin to take in his confused features, I always struggled to think clearly when he was in such close proximity.

I inhaled to start my rant but hesitated for a moment, then began again.

"I'd been trying to find a time to talk to you during today's shift but we were so busy and always seemed to be split up, I didn't get the chance", I started explaining.

Street's eyes glued to mine, hanging on to every word that I spoke.

"All day I was partnered with Tan, and I don't know if you recall his weird looks and comments when you arrived this morning...but he's been dropping hints to me that he knows more than he leads on...about us I mean". I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat.

Street eyes dropped down between us and shook his head slightly, "wait, you think Tan knows about us?".

"Well, that's what I might have thought before..." I added, and Street's eyes flickered back to mine, silently asking me to continue.

"Before he said..what he said about you....", I nervously tucked my hair behind my ear.

Street still looked confused and I didn't blame him.

"Okay, I know said I knew it was a lie, but in the hurt, a lot. And it scared me that..." I stopped, searching his face while I tried to find the words.

Street's hands dropped from my arms, "what scared you? That you believed for a moment that I would actually do that to you". He backed away slightly.

It was my turn to reach for him now before he could push further away. My hand finding one of his.

"No, no, that's not why, Street. It's the reasoning behind why he felt the need to say it. He obviously knows about us and wants us to confess, right? He said something he knew I would react to, because he can see how much I care".

Street stayed silent, his hand squeezed mine.

"After everything we have been through in the last four years, and especially the last four months, it finally dawned on me... just how real this all is, Street."

I pulled Street closer to me again, my hands now found his cheeks, guiding his eyes back to mine.

"It scares me, how much change is happening around me that I can't control, how people will react, how big and obvious my feelings had been to apparently everyone but myself. I'm sorry I didn't tell you way earlier when I had actually realised but, Street?" I asked, gaining his full attention.

I let out a heavy sigh and before my mind could stop me, "I love you so much -and it's so overwhelming that I couldn't tell you because I have literally never felt this way about anyone, and I worried that me delaying telling you might make you change your mind about us. That's what scared me. That you would eventually move on because I was too in my head to tell you the truth. But I am, I'm so in love with you, Street."

Oop- the big confession 😬🥺 I wonder how Street will react? 🤔😭
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